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SQ setup With some OOMPH!

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Hi folks

I'll post a request from another forum I made, I was directed here as I should have :)


Well, again Fosgate is what I used before so I'm not too familiar with a good balanced sub for LSQ anymore. With what I've got laid out, I think I'll have about $900 (CDN) left for the Sub and Enclosure, guess that's about $650 US. So again, any suggestions would be nice

10 or 12", preferably a 12".


The sub in the existing setup is going to be 1 FOCAL Acess or Polyglass 13"

So if I want some extra thump what could I replace the Focal sub with with the above budget. The Components and sub will be run by an Audison LRx 4.300

This will not be a multi amp setup, only the Audison LRx.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Edited by casscarr2002

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whats the specs of that amp?

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i, too, am running the 165v's..and like them. typically getting 35wrms..they have a nice sound..but i think it's time to get away from metallic tweeters and try something softer..hehe

as to the sub question.....either a treo ssi 10 or 12, would achieve great sql..or my new personal favorite..the soundsplinter rl-p. i have a 12 (unfortunetly u can't get a 10 in the p series, u have to "step down" to the i series) and it is one of the best sounding subs i have heard to date. and it gets real low..

check em out, soundsplinter..and give [email protected] a holler. he is a great guy to talk to and deal with!! :+1:

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

Edited by mrray13

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Koda 10"

IDQ 10"

ID 10"

Eclipse Alum 10"

Crystal CMP 10"

RE SE 10"

those are a few of my favorite 10" sq subs that I have heard that dont need much power, but can take it when pushed, now only is there was an SI D2 10" or 8"

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You'll need something pretty efficient with that low of power. All Denim's suggestions seem right on par, with the new ID series grabbing my attention. Low power requirements, small box, and better than the IDQ until v.3 comes out.

As for the Audison being underrated, I once was looking into Audison power and spoke with several dealers and a US distributor, and they told me, Audison's Power ratings are dead on. But that's just what I've been TOLD.

Either way, that amp is so sweet!

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Well, maybe then I go 2 Amps instead of 1, and have a dedicated Mono for 1 12", then I can go big power and big Thump if I felt the need. Just wanted to avoid another $1,000 for Amp. Hmm, IDMAX 12, RF PS1 12, RE SE 12's, man these all look too tempting for me to keep my SQ foot down :ugh:

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What vehicle may I ask? My thoughts on the SE and RF are, there are far better drivers suited for SQ. Now, these can be manipulated to sound good, but IMO are not a good basis for SQ. The IDMax sounds good, but I've heard one too many bad things about a manufacturing defect in the coil.

I would suggest buying something and trying it with the power you have available now. If it doesn't suit your needs, then you can buy another amp.

Hell, who would think that 300 watts to a 15" Magnum would actually sound good??? Not me, that is until you load it in the small confines of a standard cab truck. Plenty of power if you ask me.

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with that last post you just opened a can of worms, lol

but I say stick with the SQ idea that you first had, tirefyr is right on the subs, the eclipse and crystal are going to need more power than the rest, and ID has an excellent track record, and I have not seen a single bad bit of info on the new ID series, I am ordering one for my friend in the next 2 months or so, if that says anything

I believe Zane has a Koda 10, so he might be able to help in that category

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man good luck, with so many new companys comming out these days it is very hard to pick a sub/amp....

but i would stay away from RF, maybe the new stuff is good but i wouldnt chance it... back in the day they were good but now a days theres lots better for the money....

the other guys are right try a sub company thats not so big, they seem to help the little ppl out more....

good luck cant wait to see your install...

will they be fiberglass in the install....


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Hmm, well seeing as most of those subs aren't readily available around here, maybe I'll go with the original Access or Polyglas 13" for the install and just order what sounds like should be the ID over the internet. Guess it couldn't hurt.

I'm really just looking for alternatives seeing as I can't find 1 review on their Focal sub lines anywhere. Only word of mouth. The Shop said 1 or 2 of his Competition fellas have actually installed a few Focal subs for their thump needs, but I'm assuming those were LSQ installs. Oki decision made, wait for the install including the Focal sub, I'll order the ID over the next few weeks (if I can even get one into Canada here) If I want more after that, I'll just drop $2G's on an amp and sub :)

Thanks guys

Jamie, I'm not sure about the sub enclosure, I'd like some Fiber on it but other than the enclosure, there won't be any. Unless he gives me a good deal on some custom door panels.

Edited by casscarr2002

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