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Box help.

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I have designed a box for a friend of mine. He also has an 86 F150. He heard my system and wants to use my type of subs. The pioneer TS-SW3041D. I have designed a box for him and just wondering if it will be optimum for the speakers. Heres a quick drawing i did in paint:


Can someone here that has a proper box building program plug the specs in and tell me if this box would be good to use, or that i should start back over. Any and all help with be greatly appriciated.

Thanks in advance,


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That's going to be even less space after you add subs, port and wood thickness. With those dimensions and 3/4" MDF you're looking at 1.13^3ft sealed.

Seems, you could have one sub be happy with that. Certainly not two, ported at least.

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John you are right that it would be 1.13ft^3 with wood displacement. But if i was able to get it to 50" wide, bottom 6", top 4", and height 16", that would be 1.42ft^3 after wood displacement. The subs are also only have a 3.25" mounting depth and take up ~.068ft^3 of space. mulitiply that by 2 and u get ~.14ft^3 of driver displacement. That would bring it down to about 1.28ft^3 or .64ft^3 per driver. Then if i would add a port, it would be 4"x16.5" tuned to 35hz. With that being .25" thick wall pvc, that would only take up .088ft^3, or a total volume of .60ft^3 per driver. Following me so far?(im even getting confused :puzzled: , granted im doin this at 12.30 at night) So after all the math the box before driver and port displacement would be 1.42ft^3, and after drvier and port displacement would be ~1.20ft^3. Now with the new dimensions, would it be big enough now? If you see any fault in my calculations let me know, and if you have any other suggestions to.



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Yikes that's tiny.

I did some research on the sub.. it's extremely peaky in a ported box right around 55hz. The sealed frequency curve looks far better though.

Pioneer recommends no less than .8^3ft per driver ported or sealed. With the space you have per woofer, I would recommend that you either make a smaller 1 sub ported box and tune as low as 29hz, or make a sealed box and add a ton of poly fill into it to try and make up for the space you don't have.

I mean face the facts here. First off its a shallow mount sub, obviously not ment for getting loud, more or less ment for making up a minimal amount low end in cars that don't have a ton of room. Secondly two subs in that small of a space is almost impractical. Especially for a ported box.

If you do decide to say the hell with it and just port the box, its going to sound really weird with that little airspace. They'lll play higher frequencies than you want and it'll be far easier to pop the subs with less wattage.

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Thanks John for the help. I really wouldnt put the subs down to much though. I built a sealed box for these (its in the build section), and it got respectfully loud for being such a small driver as it is. It did 120db(not to bad in my opionon for one). But i really didnt have the amount of output i was looking for. So i took the same box, around 1.10ft^3 before sub and port displacement, and made a 35hz port for it. That bumped the reading up to 123db. Just wondering on why you said port it to 29hz, would that give it more of a flatter response curve?



Edited by blue86f150

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29hz would hopefully let the sub match the lower frequencies a little better with the spike at 55hz. Of course, it wouldn't be completely even (you'd need a good EQ for that) but it might help a little.

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Thanks, ill keep that in mind. Ill just tell him to go with the sealed route and see wat happens.

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Cool, good luck.

Also when you're installing it it all, you might find you have a bit more room to work with, so keep an eye out for that.

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