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ATTN ATOMIc 5000,1 owners

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Nice amp :D

Installed one on a system with a 120A alt and 3 400Ah batteries (not your regular batteries). I think you could go with a bigger alt and 2 extra batteries but it depends on what you want to do with it, ie compere or use it daily.

I tested it against some other amps but let me look for the numbers :)

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Sorry, I didn't measure current draw, but you can estimate it...the amp is about 75% efficient.

Let's assume it has an output of 5kw. This means it will draw around 6.5kw at full power. Divide it by your voltage and there you have your current draw.

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well i got a 180 amp alt and a kinetik 1400 im running it at 4 ohms im either gonna do an 800 under the hood and 3 1400's in the back or trying to figure out a way to put the 1400 under the hood and 2 2400's in the back

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I got a 250a alt wt a kinetic 2400 and odyssey batt...haven't had any problems

the guy i bought it off of had a stock alt and a kinetik batt, but i dont think he had it below 4ohms

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