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SPL Based 12 recomendation?

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Well, i was just wondering what kind of sub would be the best to get some spl out of a 1 cf box with maybe a little poly fil... Would have to be able to be powered off of a kicker zx750.1 and less than 7" mounting depth... Would like to keep it around 200 bucks but less would be nice and more may be doable but just post anything you think would be good... Sealed box of course and a 12"... Been looking at fi ssd, anything better than that output wise?

Edited by Jpm4536

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Are you trying to compete or just get loud for daily?

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Just a daily system... I wouldn't dream of competing with that kind of system or box... I just have that much room and was wondering what 12 would have the most spl out of that setup... Not saying how can i have more spl than anyone else from that setup... Guess i should have put it in the first post,lol... Thanks for clearing it up...

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You are on the right track with the Fi SSD. Great daily sub that can get loud. But just don't expect to pop your windshield with only 825approx watts and a sealed 12. Not to many quality subs fit your needs.

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Yeah, im only 16 and in high school and am working to buy my system after school and stuff so im not really expecting a mind blowing system but i bet it will still be a pretty decent first system... Once i get another vehicle from the truck i drive now in a few years or so then i might be able to redo my system with a little nicer stuff... Guess ill just stick with my choice of the Fi...

Edited by Jpm4536

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I suggest adding the copper coil option. :)

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Could do a MAW-10 from Mach5 Audio in a ported Box. 1^3ft is all it want ported. Plus you wouldn't need as much power to get it loud so your amp cost would go down as well.

Overall it would be a cheaper option for you.

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I don't have 1.3cf to do though cause its going under the back seat of my truck... And coper coil is what i was thinking too...

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If you plan on pounding on it, cooling might be something to consider. But talk to NDMstang65, he is a Fi Tech and would better help choose which options if any suit your needs. I just prefer copper coils for something such as this.

As for the MAW-10, I believe they are all out. I have not pulled them from the SSA shop because Mark has not given me the final word on if there will be more MAW-10's made. Same goes for the MAW-12's. There are a few more MAW-15's left, but now I am drifting off topic.

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Aaron hit the nail on the head...



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Not really pounding, only 750 watts rms... Which may be close to 800 true rms.... Should be fine...

We going to see install pictures? :)

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Not for a while, lol.... I got a 140 dollar text message bill i gotta take care of first.... Got hu and speakers. An amp for the speakers on the way.... Then ill have time to pay for the subs and amp, lol...

Edited by Jpm4536

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So does anyone else have a recomendation that would either be cheaper than the fi and perform as good or a little more expensive and perform better?

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Well I wouldn't say it's better than the ssd but I just installed a cerwin vega 12.4 v-max in my friends car 1ft^3 sealed and it has great output and is still very musical. the sub is about $100.00 shipped I would say it is pretty hard to beat for the price.

here's the link



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Could do a MAW-10 from Mach5 Audio in a ported Box. 1^3ft is all it want ported. Plus you wouldn't need as much power to get it loud so your amp cost would go down as well.

Overall it would be a cheaper option for you.


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I don't have room for ported though, 1 cf is my max... Also, would a ported 10 vs a single 12 of an ssd be around the same output?

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I don't have room for ported though, 1 cf is my max... Also, would a ported 10 vs a single 12 of an ssd be around the same output?

Would probably wind up being about the same, just a different sound.

How about a CVX? 1cf may be a bit small, but you could stuff it with polyfill to help a little. Would work great off of that power...

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I don't have room for ported though, 1 cf is my max... Also, would a ported 10 vs a single 12 of an ssd be around the same output?

I know you don't have more than a cube.. which is why I recommended the MAW-10. It only needs a cube ported. Hence why I wrote 1^3ft. not 1.3^3ft.

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Oh, i mis-read the post... I think i might just do sealed for the ease of installation and the fact that in order to get a cube ported it has to be bigger than that for port volume...

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The port on a cubed box would be like... .3^3ft depending on tuning. Or you could use an Aero port.

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IDK, i think i might just go with the FI cause the mach 5 subs are sold out everywhere.... I will look around at some 10" subs to go ported with but i would rather do a 12 because i have a ported 12 box at my house that would fit on my back seat if i ever wanted to redo the setup.... I also have a ported 10 box but its too wide and i would rather have the output of the 12 if i had the choice....

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