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Bracing methods

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I've thought about doing this and recently seen someone actually use this method but never commented on how good it was.

In instances where all-thread cannot be used.. how about running those flat steel bars that Lowes sells on the inside of the box?

Those are humanly unbendable.... it's steel.

I was thinking about running those, gluing them to the box, drill out contact points, maybe 1 every 12", run bolt through to the outside, threadlock it and use a large washer on the outside of the box with a nut of course.

Seal around the steel bar. These bars, if i am not mistaken, are only like 1\8th" thick. Shouldnt' that make the wall it is attached to hella strong?

I see no need in running steel bars on the outside...

Just make sure that the steel bar run is glued, bolted and sealed around so no air can seep underneath it.

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If it's just on the interior surface...won't help a whole lot.

There are much easier ways to brace a box, but for a pure SPL application, a very-well braced box might not be the best thing...

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i would be concerned that the flat bar would vibrate and give off unwanted turbulance

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This is for daily driver.

About the vibration, that's why i mentioned gluing and bolting it to a wall.

I seriously do not see vibrations possible occurring with glue and bolts.

I was thinking about this because it virtually takes up no volume inside of the enclosure.

So, since you guys think it's a bad idea, can you please elaborate as to why and maybe some other methods besides all-thread(i already know about this) that i can use that takes up virtually no volume either. This is for a ported box looking for an expected 148-150db worth of pressure.

Also, if i choose to use all-thread, how would i brace the baffle(the top of the box) and the bottom of the box?

I do not know anything else to say, hehe.

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You can still use all thread by using one of these:


These are used with all thread as standoffs in plumbing. Screw the foot down to the wood on both sides, and insert the all thread in between.

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sweet! thanks.

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This is my fav bracing method. I'll be using it on my 4x18 btl build also but using 2 rods

Ever since our 4x12" kicker CVR box was fired up with no center brace in a 10 cube box and warped like crazy I like to brace up a little over kill.

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Has anyone ever used EMT or some sort of metal conduit sleeved over the allthread inside of the enclosure? I figure it would be stronger and alot more permanent that a nut on the backside of the baffle.

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Has anyone ever used EMT or some sort of metal conduit sleeved over the allthread inside of the enclosure? I figure it would be stronger and alot more permanent that a nut on the backside of the baffle.

For our new box we got 3/4 threaded rods with some extremely beefer fender washers, lock washers and bolts. I cant imagine needing any more support than that. Although, maybe having a PVC sleeve may be a good idea to allow you to insure the baffle doesn't want to cave in.

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