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DVA-9861 + Processor.. Help/Advice

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got a few questions about the system im putting together, and im still kinda new to this hobby so bear with me =]

I got the alpine DVA-9861 to replace my old CDA-9815.. i had some technical issues with the 9815 (pos from carstereo.com) but other then it being broken i loved the features ie) x-over, lpf, hpf, time alignment, parametric eq [even tho it was confusing as helll]... so i figured id just get a new one but i wanted one that could play DVDs so i could have more MP3s on a disc. for some reason i thought that using an ipod wouldnt give me 4v preout, which is why i wanted the mp3s on a disc.. anyway i went ahead and glanced over the specs on the 9861 and everything looked fine and i figured since it msrp's for 600+ its got all the features of the 9815 and then some... well when i got it i quickly learned that it didnt allow me to adjust x-over or hpf/lpf/ or parametric eq.. which was a dissapointment because i just threw some components up front in the mustang along with an amp to power em'... anyway lemme skip to the point.

Should i buy a new headunit with the built in x-overs etc.. or should i buy the processor from alpine so i can run these components like i should be because im not to impressed. (CDT CL-61s).. They came with a crossover (i believe this is called passive?) and all but im just not feeling it.. I know that when i first got the 9815 i had to do a bunch of fiddling with the eq and xover to get just my stock speakers sounding right, so im just assuming that because i dont have an eq im not unleashing the full potential of the speakers. Nonetheless, id like some recommendations here.. Sell the HU and get one with a processor? Buy something like the PXA-H701? or any other things just as good but cheaper ie) alternatives?

Also, if i buy the 701, how does it get hooked up to the headunit? Via the optical or other wires too? Because i have a mustang and im a little low on room so i dont know where i'd put it. But if only one wire runs to the HU and all the RCAs simply go to this unit.. couldnt i just keep it near my amp's in the back or perhaps under the backseat?


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yes you can run the 701 with the optical to the HU and RCAs from it to the amps. it will give you more flexibility than you will ever need if you're running passive components.

if i were you i'd either go active or sell the 9861 and get something else, honestly i think the 701+9861 is serious overkill

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Can the 9861 control the H701 just like a screen unit (ie w205) ?

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Can the 9861 control the H701 just like a screen unit (ie w205) ?

Yes it can power the 701..

but can i put the 701 in the back of the car or atleast not in the dash since i dont have the room? Or is the optical cable only a couple of inches?

How do i do an active setup?

vladd- any recommendations on a different headunit?

Edited by nOct3rn4l

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Yes the 9861 can control the 701, but it's better to just pick up the controller to make it easier, apparently the menu's are a bitch. I saw them being used on a 9860 and then on the controller and the controller is leaps and bounds easier.

Optical cable is what length you want it to be, you can mount it whereever you want. the trunk is probably best so you have a long run of optical and short run of RCA.

if you have a 701 combo you should be running a 3-way active frontstage. Tweets, Midrange, and woofers, subs in the trunk (unless you want to mount them up front too). You go active by tossing your passive crossovers and using a channel on the amp to run each speaker. That means 6+1 channels of amplification.

As for other head units, well i missed the part before about how you want to use DVDs. As far as i know the 9861 is the only unit that supports DVD-audio.

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