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Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

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I take every review I read with a grain of salt. I'm one of those old back woods people that could give a fat rats arse about reviews. In my eyes ( I'm a consumer ) no one's opinion ( don't care how good of testing procedures are laid out, any and all listening tests are subjective ) what I hear and the opinion I draw from my listening is the only one that matters in my mind and more importantly my wallet. Boiled down to the bare essentials all the lovely graphs in the world aren't going to make me buy a product over another. If I hear something I like, I don't care how it tests out against other products. All I care is that it sounds good, and gives me the warm fuzzies in my tummy :)

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  ramos said:
Welcome to the forum :)

I take every review I read with a grain of salt. I'm one of those old back woods people that could give a fat rats arse about reviews. In my eyes ( I'm a consumer ) no one's opinion ( don't care how good of testing procedures are laid out, any and all listening tests are subjective ) what I hear and the opinion I draw from my listening is the only one that matters in my mind and more importantly my wallet. Boiled down to the bare essentials all the lovely graphs in the world aren't going to make me buy a product over another. If I hear something I like, I don't care how it tests out against other products. All I care is that it sounds good, and gives me the warm fuzzies in my tummy :)

Well that's ok because although you might not trust the results I render, you are going to find out for yourself. This is one of the main hinderances of car audio and one of the main reasons for such fanboyism. People will not try new things. They won't listen to other people. All I am doing is making it possible for those rational-minded people to judge product based on the product they have personally experienced. It is not only possible, it will happen. Hopefully one day you will look back and say "I'm glad I was skeptical, but these guys did a bang-up job and really helped the industry".

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Fanboyism ? yeah you pegged me. :D I'm all about listening to other people , but I will not let other peoples opinions sway mine. I listen to others opinions , I just don't take them as the word of god. Tis the nature of this hillbilly beast. It's carried me through 20 or so years of this hobby :)

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  ramos said:
Fanboyism ? yeah you pegged me. :D I'm all about listening to other people , but I will not let other peoples opinions sway mine. I listen to others opinions , I just don't take them as the word of god. Tis the nature of this hillbilly beast. It's carried me through 20 or so years of this hobby :)

I was not referring to you as a fanboy. I was referring to the masses. You have obviously chosen to educate yourself. Please take no offense as I meant none.

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I must say you really know how to come into a room and piss on it. Your attitude really caused me to not want to read this whole thread, but I did. You sound as if you are high and mighty and want to do some testing but obviously have absolutely no clue when it comes to running proper tests and the utilization of real test equipment in a setup that will give valid results. I also find your request funny and expect your site to fail miserably as your ego has already distanced a large portion of the mobile audio industry just with this thread here. I am sure your results will be similar everywhere else you go unless you have a very major attitude adjustment. Anyways, my suggestion is that you start over and do so with a much better tone and presence or check yourself out and realize that you are bound to fail.

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  ///M5 said:

I must say you really know how to come into a room and piss on it. Your attitude really caused me to not want to read this whole thread, but I did. You sound as if you are high and mighty and want to do some testing but obviously have absolutely no clue when it comes to running proper tests and the utilization of real test equipment in a setup that will give valid results. I also find your request funny and expect your site to fail miserably as your ego has already distanced a large portion of the mobile audio industry just with this thread here. I am sure your results will be similar everywhere else you go unless you have a very major attitude adjustment. Anyways, my suggestion is that you start over and do so with a much better tone and presence or check yourself out and realize that you are bound to fail.

Well I made this room, so I suppose it would be mine to "piss on". Secondly, I had no sooner introduced myself than a bunch of people wanted to tell me how they know more than me and because of that I shouldn't have my site. Well they weren't right and I defended myself. I didn't call anyone names or do anything wrong. I re-read the thread and I looked for any "high and mighty attitude" and I found it, but not in my posts. I found it in the one I am currently replying to though. I have no ego, but because you felt the need to come in here and post this negative post I can't help but realize that you do and that somehow I have threatened it and you are putting me in my place? I'm not really sure why you felt the need to say the things you just said. That same portion of the mobile audio industry was distanced when they read the thread title. Most are so arrogant and think they know it all that they wouldn't give anyone a chance. The rest are fanboys to these elitists. I knew all this before I went into it.

I thank you for your suggestion, although I will not heed it. I have done nothing wrong. I have some new ideas that will work if people will give them a chance. They will help car audio as a whole.

So in short, I am sorry that many of you are not open to someone new doing something new. If you've thought something I said was high and mighty please read it again. That is not how I intended anything. I must say, this HAS to be the most popular introductory thread in history ;)

Edited by eCrack

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  Acidburn said:

So I just took a little read of the discussion of me in the "Ihop". I'm not really sure what pisses you guys off about me so much other than I defend myself when people try to slam me. I'm not French. I'm American. I thought that was ok here ;) Anyways, I'm just a 24 year old college graduate trying to do something with what I love. I have been a member of so many forums it's not funny and there is always the boys club that you have to earn your way into. Well, I don't want to earn my way into this one, and I'm sure I couldn't under this screen name anyways. I am not looking to be a frequent member although I know this is one of the most knowledgeable places online for the hobby we all love. That is why I came here. I was half trying to introduce myself so I might be welcome when I want to ask some questions. I obviously also wanted to plug my site as it gets very little traffic right now. I'm sorry if by starting a website I have stepped on toes. I will never cower down to anyone. I got punked once as a child and I will never let it happen again. If someone comes at me for no reason I will defend myself, just like i did here. If you look, I didn't start anything.

At any rate, I don't want to further piss anyone off so I will not post anywhere other than this thread (if denim doesn't remove my rights to post) unless I have a question I need answered.

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  eCrack said:
  ///M5 said:

I must say you really know how to come into a room and piss on it. Your attitude really caused me to not want to read this whole thread, but I did. You sound as if you are high and mighty and want to do some testing but obviously have absolutely no clue when it comes to running proper tests and the utilization of real test equipment in a setup that will give valid results. I also find your request funny and expect your site to fail miserably as your ego has already distanced a large portion of the mobile audio industry just with this thread here. I am sure your results will be similar everywhere else you go unless you have a very major attitude adjustment. Anyways, my suggestion is that you start over and do so with a much better tone and presence or check yourself out and realize that you are bound to fail.

Well I made this room, so I suppose it would be mine to "piss on". Secondly, I had no sooner introduced myself than a bunch of people wanted to tell me how they know more than me and because of that I shouldn't have my site. Well they weren't right and I defended myself. I didn't call anyone names or do anything wrong. I re-read the thread and I looked for any "high and mighty attitude" and I found it, but not in my posts. I found it in the one I am currently replying to though. I have no ego, but because you felt the need to come in here and post this negative post I can't help but realize that you do and that somehow I have threatened it and you are putting me in my place? I'm not really sure why you felt the need to say the things you just said. That same portion of the mobile audio industry was distanced when they read the thread title. Most are so arrogant and think they know it all that they wouldn't give anyone a chance. The rest are fanboys to these elitists. I knew all this before I went into it.

I thank you for your suggestion, although I will not heed it. I have done nothing wrong. I have some new ideas that will work if people will give them a chance. They will help car audio as a whole.

So in short, I am sorry that many of you are not open to someone new doing something new. If you've thought something I said was high and mighty please read it again. That is not how I intended anything. I must say, this HAS to be the most popular introductory thread in history ;)

You just did it again. Perhaps a lesson in conversation etiquette would be appropriate. You only read what you want to read in a post. If you keep this up you will not only fail in your endeavor here but in life as well. Time to grow up. Considering you want to use an RTA to do tests it shows your ignorance, which was more than enough for me to post what I did. Not arrogance on my part there, ignorance on yours. :(

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Guest zedman

I have intermittently been reading this and i must say i am very shocked no warnings have been passed out and the topic has not been locked. I am also surprised so many people that are mature and educated continue to keep this thread alive. The attitudes I am seeing here are like the ones you see in other forums when a newcomer or "kid" can not live with being wrong or just want to argue. Myself I am done reading this it is a waste of my time and hopefully you all wil se the light as well so we can get back to the informative and customary topics that are usually found here at SSA Forum The best Forum on the net. Lets have this topic go to one of the less desirable forums and if anyone wants to know of one just ask I will let you know a few of them. Thanks alot and hope to see you in other threads. Z :suicide-santa::buttlick:

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Zedman, I could have easily locked this topic in hopes to avoid the possible conflict. But we as a group at SSA, as you mentioned, can handle a controversial topic with out turning it into a sling-fest. As I see it, Blake has good intentions and a good goal, but SSA members wanted to understand why or how. He has every right to defend his POV, and as a new member to the forum who is asking people to go to another site for information, we have every right to question it. The only thing it seems is how people perceived his intentions and how he percieved theirs. Because Blake seems to be a newcomer to the higher end product spectrum of the DIY side of audio forums (SSA/ECA/DIYMA etc) people were skeptical of his experience and methods. That is not saying he is a noobie, just new to us. Thats how I see it.

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I think we busted his balls too hard and I regret that maybe I started that trend. At the same time, Blake doesn't have to be quite so defensive....just read the comments for what they are and move on.

Regardless, our lives will go on and this thread won't matter. For both sides, sometimes leaving people to their own devices is better than trying to sway them one way or the other, particularly when the precedent is not a positive one.

Like I said, Blake: email me anytime. Despite the start here, hang out a bit and enjoy the forum...everyone can be very friendly and there is something here for everyone. Cooler heads will prevail and then we can all share in a common interest.

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It is about perceptions, my comments were meant to help direct but were taken as aggressive. Bottom line if you want to get somewhere in the world or on a forum you need to hold yourself with composure. I may have been short and to the point, but they were responded to in a way that was based on emotion which has been shown throughout this thread and just flat out won't work in the world of business. I was just hoping that it would fix the direction of thread and put it back into a useful method of helping Blake and SSA.

As for closing it or warning, no real need as I agree completely with Denim & DD.

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Well I actually have been pretty successful in business. I have a very good job and do very well at it. My intention is not so much to divert or steal people from this site, as much as it is to supplement car audio as a whole. I really don't see why anyone would leave this site to come to mine at any point in time, as my site is not intended to be a replacement for the wealth of knowledge that is abundant on these boards. My site was started with the intention of making car audio product updates centralized. I really don't care if I do the reviewing. I don't care who does it as long as we have the ability to gain more knowledge about the products without purchasing them first. Denim, I have been lurking for a few years. Maybe I am not able to convey my intentions well but what I am looking to do has not been done and is not being done. If it were, I would not be pursuing this. So in short, people took my willingness to test product as arrogance. They took my reluctance to divulge my depth of knowledge as ignorance. (I was being baited and with my rta comment was able to get Neil to stop baiting me. Don't you see?) Finally they took my unwillingness to be pushed around as overly defensive.

I keep re-reading my posts and then reading the replies and I wonder just how they were perceived. Surely not the same way they were intended. At the end of the day it doesn't matter. I'm not quite as ignorant as you all may think. I am not quick to ask questions. I am very familiar with most of you, yet this is the first time you have heard of me. I have introduced myself at a few boards, but this is the one I was most excited about. With knowledge comes arrogance, and I find it ironic that I have been called arrogant yet everyone who has spoken negatively to me so far expressed a certain level of arrogance.

How about everyone stop trying to tell me why I can't and shouldn't do my thing, how to act, and how to live and instead just let it be? If I'm not going to succeed then there's no need for negative comments. I mean no harm to anyone nor do I have any aggression towards anyone. Quite the opposite in fact. That's why I came here. I admire many of your levels of knowledge, yet I do not admire your attitudes.

These attitudes are a huge reason car audio is no longer as successful at it once looked to be. It has now broken up into sects and if you are an outsider to that sect then you are surely a noob and don't know as much as someone within the sect, whether they be a wannabe or genuinely skilled and knowledgeable. I WILL NOT tolerate that sort of behavior towards me because I have a greater understanding of certain aspects than I'm sure most do, yet I am willing to help others understand rather than look down upon them. THAT is one of the biggest things I am looking to combat. How many people do you think love car audio but come to this site and join your community? The answer is a very small percentage. The secret is, you want it that way because most people are dumbasses and with all of them here it will ruin your community. I will agree with most people being dumbasses but about half of those people are merely uneducated and not merely lost causes. Those people want to spend their money on good product, but they don't get as informed as they should be so they spend their money on junk, or get pissed off at the arrogance and don't spend their money at all.

It's time for an attitude adjustment, but it's not just my attitude that needs changing. Every time you tell me to take a look in the mirror, take a look in your own mirror. My attitude is not as bad as what you may have thought, but some of yours certainly are.

I am glad this thread is dying down and people are making their peace with the fact that I posted here. Most still do not like me or what I am doing, but now they are not quite as offended. I never meant to offend. I was merely trying to tap into the most knowledge-rich car audio community in existance. Ironically, one of the first questions I was going to ask was if there was anything better than APx. If there was any affordable way to acquire such a thing etc.

Hopefully in the future people will not take so much offense to me. I am just like one of you. I have much the same level of knowledge. I have much the same level of experience. (As the ones who did the hardcore bashing.) It is those that are experts that I came here for. They are more knowledgeable than myself and I would like the ability to learn from them.

Edited by eCrack

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