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is this wiring correct?

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ok i think i got it.

check out the diagram, and tell me if its right.

i heard that alot of amps will output a low freq or pop for a second when you turn the amp on, and to use a cap on each channel to not allow that freq. to get to my tweeters. the nominal load of each channel after i wire it up will be 1.5 ohm. so according to WinSD or whatever it is, it say that a 68uF 100V cap (with the 1.5 ohm load) will not let any freq under 1000ish Hz pass through that cap. is that right?

i also have the Coustic XM6 (just ordered) which is 18dB per octave, and then the HPF on my amp is 12dB per octave, does that make my overall slope for the tweets 30dB? plus does the cap still add 6db so thats 36dB?

please correct any wrong information, or if its all right, let me know

here is the cap: http://www.partsexpress.com/pe/pshowdetl.c...FTOKEN=93857614


Edited by pimpedout97x

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Responded to your other thread. You don't need that little cap with the active crossover you're running. You'll just be wasting power from the amp on them.

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someone said that the amp itself puts out a slight low frequency when it powers on, thats why i was inquiring about the caps, to not let that low freq. when the amp turns on to go pass those caps, getting to my tweets.

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Filters aren't walls that let all things pass they have slope. The little 6dB cap won't really do anything other than rotate your phase and give you very marginal protection which you already have plenty of. I am a big proponent of only using the crossover on ONE device.

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