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12" SSD in a small box...

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Ok, well Im trying all I can do to get some cf out of the box that im making to go under my back seat of my truck... I have figured out I can get about .74 cf out of my box but i might be able to get another .1-.2 cf out of it.... If it stays at the .74 cf, what would that do to the sound? I can use polly fill in it also, would that help? And if i can manage to get it up to .8-.9 before displacement, how much better would that be because it will be a decent ammount of work to get those extra few tenths of a cf...

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they have special blocks that can "raise" your back seat a few inches....its rather easy

i have no clue where to find them though but i remember seeing them on some truck forums

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Yeah its called a seat lift kit but i can't use one cause my back seat isn't mounted to the floor, its mounted to the cab wall with a pole...

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I think i might have found a way to get 1 cf out of it before displacement... How would that do with some poly fill? Maybe about 1/2 pound? Im sure that would be a lot better than the .7 i mentioned and it will be a more simple design...

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