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Way to increase subwoofer output.

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My friend and I built a box for his 1998 silverado extended cab. He has 2 15" rlp's and an Orion 1200w amp. The box is a total of 8.461ft^3 with 69.75in^2 of port area and port length of 26 inches. The box is so big it can only be fired up or down. It is currently firing up and my friend is not satisfied with the output of the subs. There is a lot of pressure but not a lot of volume. He would like to stick with the same box. Would changing the tuning from 28 to 35 hz make a big difference? Do you think that facing it downward would make that much of a difference? If so how much space should there be between the box and the floor? Any other ideas besides get a different vehicle? I know in a car or SUV this setup would be louder.

Edited by LoganG1K

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sounds like you are getting all u can get out of it because firing it up leaves a nice distance for the sound waves to revurb off the roof of the vehicle. firing it down i know wont help (been there done that) because it is less room for resonance to occur. scrap the box, get more power, and take your time with the build

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Tuning higher may increase output, generally it does. You gotta think of the power you don't have either. The RL-p's are probably laughing at 1200w.

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i say get another orion and build a box as close to the original one but with the subs facing backwards. my rlp-15 loves 1200 rms, then again its in a sealed box. but cant wait to build the ported one. :drink40: :drink40:

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personally i would try to increasing port area rule of thumb is 12 to 16 in^2 per cubic foot and try tuning close to 32-38. I would atleast go to the min. of 12 4 cubes usally works ok for 15's even though I dont know these subs personally general rules applying. If you rebuild try firing subs up and port to the side, should help you on the lenght issue of the port....


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personally i would try to increasing port area rule of thumb is 12 to 16 in^2 per cubic foot and try tuning close to 32-38. I would atleast go to the min. of 12 4 cubes usally works ok for 15's even though I dont know these subs personally general rules applying. If you rebuild try firing subs up and port to the side, should help you on the lenght issue of the port....


good question, which way is the port facing? not sure for suv's but the crx style box (subs up port back) or all facing back has always worked for me in my hatchback.

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if you've taken the backseat out, which i'm assuming you have, the best score i've gotten in a xcab truck involved subs and port facing forward. and yep, it was a pair of 15's. that said, i did try building a a rear wall, and then sub up, port back, and got damn near as loud. if i had more electrical, i think it would have gotten the 15's, BUT it was an s18x and 4000d vs treo ss's and 1000d, lol.

raising the tuning will definitely help, as will adding power. by how much? who knows.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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