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Big E

Winter 07/08 "I went in a ditch!" count

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I'll start as #1... I was coming back from my 6-9PM class when my brakes deciding to initiate their LOCKING feature... About 5 seconds later after vigorous brake pumping, to no avail, I end up at ~30 degree angle in the ditch. Thankfully, I slowly slid into the ditch and didn't go head first, so it wasn't a violent stop, and there was no damage to the car (that I can tell right now...it drove fine). I got stuck with a $75 towing charge which, all things considered, I'm not complaining about. It does hurt the ego a bit though :\

No pics, as I wasn't expecting this to happen so the camera wasn't handy.

Edited by Big E

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Grew up driving in the snow and do a ton of winter driving through the mountains. No problems for me.

The locking feature you're referring to on your Lumina is a piece of crap. I absolutely hate it - one little patch of ice and the car decides to go completely ape shit.

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I love driving in the snow....I wish it would snow here

It's funny driving around and seeing how many people don't know how to drive in the snow and get stuck.

I used to have a '94 Mazda Protege with tires with barely any tread on them...I never got stuck.

Edited by aznboi3644

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I've been banging in the ditches as much as possible...of course it is on my Polaris.

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Haven't hit the ditch in the winter once in my life. It's a touch different when 1/2 the year is winter. :lol:

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Ditto, Scott.

But there are still a lot of dummies up here who haven't figured out winter driving yet....after an entire life-time in Saskatchewan.

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lol...only ditch i've ever had to take had nothing to do with winter. rather, i was on one of our many two lane "highways" and in the process of passing another car. right as i'm alongside the other car, a car turned left onto the highway in front of me. there was nowhere for me to go except the ditch.

long story short, i got very lucky. this was during a time when guardrails still had the ends pointed at the ground here, and not the big blunt ends they are now. the car ran up the guardrail, the right front tire hanging up on it. so instead of flipping over and over repeatily at 60+mph, i simply backed off the rail, changed the front tire and went on to my night of drinking. (at the time this happened, i hadn't even started drinking yet)

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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Steve, that gives me even less confidence in their products. :(

As for ditch count, I live off the highway and work downtown now. No ditches to speak of. If the civic fell in, might get lost, but I keep the other cars clear away from road edges.

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It's the first time I've gone in a ditch...third year driving in the winter. Someone snowblowed their driveway into the road, and I hit that patch, and my car started pulling towards the ditch. Naturally, I tapped the brakes to slow down, but it just pulled me down further towards the ditch and I ended up driving right into it.

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