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Scott, BL Repair Update?

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Sorry for making a post about this, it just seems to get answered alot faster than emails. I got a speedy 10 minute response the first day about sending my sub in, but once I sent it out, I never got another email reply. Some confirmation if you received my sub and if you can fix it/build me a new one would be appreciated. Thanks scott/nick/whoever.

Sub is a 15'' BL, Dual 2, fully loaded, has a cracked bottom magnet.

-weston ([email protected])

Edited by Thewes

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We actually received that from FedEx this morning and it was brought to my attention before I left for some meetings. We will get a new one built up and out in the next day or two... I sent an email as well.



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scott/ nick i have the same sub all options,- extream lead, is this a common problem with these subs or is this a issolated issue

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What??? You had a magnet crack on yours too?

If so let me know ASAP as my magnet vendor is in town and I met with them on Tues. I will find them ASAP and get something resolved. When did you order this?

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What??? You had a magnet crack on yours too?

If so let me know ASAP as my magnet vendor is in town and I met with them on Tues. I will find them ASAP and get something resolved. When did you order this?

no no im sorry i to have lead you on like that.. no no mine is not cracked, i was just wondering if i need to check mine from time to time. or if this was a 1 and a million type deal with this guys sub.....

no i love mine scott thanks so much, BTLS are next on my list, :dancing:

Edited by bigjon

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OK good... :) I was getting worried about that one. Must have been a magnet defect to begin with... then with a little rough shipping it didnt help things Id say. First issue we have had like that.

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