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Embarking on THE system build

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Ok so heres the canvas for the the build.

2007 honda fit base. um it has a 75 amp alt. Guess thats about all the info i have.

The only limitations are basically the car and the electronics. I don't really want to upgrade the alt. Not looking to void any warranties either. I don't mind putting a battery in the back. Doesn't matter if the box is sealed or ported. Oh and i won't use anything bigger than a 12" or ONE 13" woofer e.g. a focal or JL W7.

The object of the build is "LESS IS MORE" be that woofer size, amount of woofers, or amp size. Don't really care about the size of the box. I do want to retain the use of my back seat so everything has to go in the back behind the seat. Oh and one of the guys who i sold a system setup to and he got it installed at our shop i was bullchitting with him that i was going to beat him with just 1 or 2 10" or 1 12". His system consists of 6 kicker CVR 15's in a custom box our shop built with 2 3000 watt planet audio amps and i think 3 or 4 deep cycle batteries in a chevy suburban. mid 90s model. on 26" rims LAWL.

So the goals of the build....

1. Make all the guys with multiple 15" woofer setups CRY (literally)

2. To make the guy with the suburban situp and take notice. Or to beat so hard when he gets in my car he becomes sober. Whichever comes first

In my store we sell Planet Audio, Kicker, Rockford, Pioneer, Sony, Extreme (a Directed Electronics brand), JVC, and Alpine. I think thats everything. If we can build a system from that, that would be optimal cuz then i can show customers what can be done with the right tools and components. Otherwise my boss will get mad if i take a customer outside to listen to stuff that didn't come from the store. (maybe i could get him to carry AA or SSA stuff after he hears it, wink wink)

I've already picked out a front and rear stage. (I think) And i already have a HU picked out. So guys lets see what we can do. I have some ideas, but i wonder if my car can handle the amps. I would like to stay within a reasonable budget. like i don't really want to spend 1500 on a substage but if thats what it takes then i'll just save for a little longer. If the stuff is somehting i carry in the store then i get it for cost plus like 5 or 10%, until i get the dealer discount. I've only been working here a month so i'm not to the point where pioneer or kicker will sponser me lol. Anyway thanks in advance.

Edited by bigtoepfer

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  bigtoepfer said:
Ok so heres the canvas for the the build.

2007 honda fit base. um it has a 75 amp alt. Guess thats about all the info i have.

The only limitations are basically the car and the electronics. I don't really want to upgrade the alt. Not looking to void any warranties either. I don't mind putting a battery in the back. Doesn't matter if the box is sealed or ported. Oh and i won't use anything bigger than a 12" or ONE 13" woofer e.g. a focal or JL W7.

So the goals of the build....

1. Make all the guys with multiple 15" woofer setups CRY (literally)

2. To make the guy with the suburban situp and take notice. Or to beat so hard when he gets in my car he becomes sober. Whichever comes first

Your two goals and your one woofer idea don't jive. You can't have both worlds...

Sounds like you want a burp box, is that what you are asking for?

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oh no. defenitely not. If the 1 speaker ideal isn't going to happen thats fine. its just that i think 2 12's will be TOO much for my at this point in my life. I used to DBdrag with 2 12s and i'm not planning on competeing with this setup. So if 1 10" will be loud then cool. or if say like 1 12" like a type X or and SSA icon, or a Fi BL or whatever is going to be good for everyday use and for beating down the block if i like then cool.

I would just like for all the people who come to the shop that think that u need 15" subwoofers to be loud, to be reeducated.

Edited by bigtoepfer

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I think you have conflicting goals...

You want to be louder than 6 15's with 6000 watts but 2 12's will be too loud for you?

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  jbob said:
I think you have conflicting goals...

You want to be louder than 6 15's with 6000 watts but 2 12's will be too loud for you?

Yeah i know. I understand what ur saying. I don't neccesarily want to be louder. Its just that i don't need the loudest system in the world. Just want the people around here to realize how loud 10s or 12s can be. i guess preferably 10s. Like i was looking at the 10" Fi BL or the 10" Icon

The two 12s i had weren't the greatest at low volume playing. and didn't sound that great. I'd like it to sound good at all volumes. and for lots of music applications. Rap, Rock, Jazz, Techno and so on

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k so i'm looking into doing two type X's from Alpine with a Planet Audio RXD2400, or two Pioneers with probably the same amp

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What these guys mean is loud and sound good are opposites....they can't make a specific recommendation unless you pick what one you want or at least how close to one or the other. Maybe stupid idea as I have not read up on the results of it, but has anyone been able to get reasonable SQ with the multi-ported boxes and plugs?

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lol, i want both SQ and loud. but i'll sacrifice a little SQ for a little volume. I was also looking at some DD subs but i'm afraid they might be out of my price range

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i think one problem all the brands your trying to use from your shop, arent going to help you for youre situation. you should check into the mach5 audio SPL12 and sundown SAZ-3000D combo from the ssa shop. just make sure you get a nice and big ported box with good dimensions and tuned properly. I would seriously consider getting a deep cycle battery or two and go ALL 0g. and your not going to get full potential with that factory POS low out put alternator. you need to come back with your wishes straight because from what i can see youre contradicting your self alot. also highly consider sound proofening your car with some dynamat or other butyl products. defintly do the big 3... if youre trying to compete with six 15" youre going to want to keep your voltage high as possible if your pushing a big enough true-to-power amp for a high thermal capacity sub.

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k thanks for the info. I was defenitely looking into doing something along the lines of dynomat. Or secondskin.

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  bigtoepfer said:
k thanks for the info. I was defenitely looking into doing something along the lines of dynomat. Or secondskin.

It sounds to me like you know what your goals are you just don't know exactly how to word them. You want a system that you will be happy with and that will be impressive; any of the subs you mentioned will do that. A very good enclosure on a single 10 or 12 with moderate wattage and alot of sound deadening will work wonders for you. It will impress everyone with how loud a single sub can be and you won't be breaking the bank. It's kind of a build smart not build strong idea. I'de go with a 10 W7 or a 12 W7 in the factory vented enclosure they come in, or have someone build you a VERY trick enclosure for one of the other subs you mentioned, possibly a transmission line or folded horn box. That's the ticket to sounding impressive with a single woofer and moderate wattage. Also find out exactly what your alternator can provide and keep your power goals within it's range, or buy a high output one and swap the factory one back on if you ever have to take it in for warranty service. Remember that you're going to have to live with this stereo everyday so don't overbuild it.

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You can also look the alternator up and see what cars that case is used in, if any others. It might come in a higher output for yours or another car with more electrical equipment for example (power seats, roof, etc), then you can find a used out of that car and slip it in to get some more amperage for reasonable cost using original equipment. American cars used to put a larger one in nicer models/larger engines all the time, but I have not played with newer Hondas. Or of course just by a rebuilt in the higher output if it is available in the size yours is...and pulley...may not or may take some work to find out. Should be able to change a pulley or have a shop do it if just that, most companies use similar plugs and stuff but you never know. In fact a junk yards spec all that stuff out, and can tell you if other cars take the same alternator.

Edited by sqguyib

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Ok so i've purchased the subs.

2 10" Icon D1

And going to build a box something along the lines of 2 1/2 cubes or 2.75. Ported between 30 and 35 probably.

The amp hasn't be purchased yet its going to take about two weeks to get the money together for one. I blew most of my money for build on the subs atm LOL.

But its looking to be something like the Planet Audio RXD2400. 2400Wrms @ 1ohm

Thats probably my cheapest rout. That or a RF power series amp or maybe and IA amp Don't really know what else i'd use.

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PA boo!!!

Nice choice on subs though.

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I have a pa vx2200d here, it looks like a giant audiobahn inside. Then again the AB sure put out when I test them (on speakers/subs in house) considering what they are, but I've never run one in a car and I will not be using this vx. Those Icon look like really nice subs, I like.

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  sqguyib said:
I have a pa vx2200d here, it looks like a giant audiobahn inside. Then again the AB sure put out when I test them (on speakers/subs in house) considering what they are, but I've never run one in a car and I will not be using this vx. Those Icon look like really nice subs, I like.

I have a vx2200 i was actually considering running in the car because its a little cheaper for me to pick up. and the RXD2400 its only about 200 watts more, and at that level the 200 watts itsn't going to make much difference. I've seen/heard/felt what the planet audio amps can do. I've always been impressed by them.

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Man i can't wait for those subs to come in. All i do is think about boxes all day when i'm at work drawing up new designs. And then scratching it cuz i want sealed instead of ported. And then vice versa.

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Sell the 07 honda, pick up a CRX, do two 10"s in a CRX-style box and strap two Sundown 3000D's on them and you should be able to beat those 6 15's :P No guarantee the Icon's can take 7000 watts, though.

Edited by Big E

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Last night I was playing with a 10 I have, mass produced AB clone about $90 and 400wrms. In a ported box I see it really moving and its on about 300wrms as its bridged at 8ohm on a 150x2. Amp was not maxed and running on a big 12v (so even less wattage at 12-12.5v) battery in the house....but there is no subsonic control on that amp. 3" port at 35Hz just huffing away, why is that fun...but should do better on another amp with subsonic. Not my thing, but I can't even imagine 7kw on two 10s.

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damn, yeah i bet that 7kw would be slammin. but poor me i'm only going to have 3kw

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No, but honestly, I'd say your best bet is to sell the car you're working with now (if you have that option) and get something a little older, that you won't worry about voiding warranty, and do some electrical upgrades. That should help a little bit... plus it'll make for a decent marketing point, showing that you can do more than just hook up an amp and sub, and give the impression that you have knowledge in car electrical systems.

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I didn't think swapping an alternator could void a warranty. I'd get the numbers off it and see if another car has the same one with more beef.

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Nice subs. :)

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  denim said:
Nice subs. :)

yeah man i hear their the best. fing05.gif

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