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Originally posted on caraudio.com

Well as most of you know, I recently finished the system I have been waiting for forever.... if not look in my sig.

But anyway.... I was driving to work today, playing a song at low volume that doesn't have very much bass at all.... and suddenly I hear this horrible "pop" from my trunk. So, I turned the volume down all the way, and about that time, the most godawful sound came out of the subs.... extrememly loud and fart sounding. When I went to check it out... two of them were blown.

Anyone who knows me knows that everything was installed correctly... subs wired correctly, gain set to match input voltage, low bass boost setting.... etc etc

And somehow, these two subs blew. All four of them were on a Planet 1250D.... each getting roughly 200 watts.

David, if you read this, please shed some light on it for me.... I had these playing in my room for awhile off of a 100 watt Cerwin Vega plate amp and never had any problems. I have only had problems in cars.... this woofer setup has been put in two different vehicles, and both times this popping sound has happened. The only thing Jmac and I could come up with is a woofer defect.

Anyone have any ideas.....?

Hope David's little sexy ass gets on here to shed some light on this.

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am not sure about this , it sounds so strange to me , cause u said u havent even runin them with high vol. or bass... ( hope u got warranty or somethin)

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I hope there was not a voltage jump, humm this is confusing

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I hope there was not a voltage jump, humm this is confusing

That's initally what I thought of ... a rare voltage spike.

- Steve

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Originally posted on caraudio.com

and suddenly I hear this horrible "pop" from my trunk. So, I turned the volume down all the way, and about that time, the most godawful sound came out of the subs.... extrememly loud and fart sounding. When I went to check it out... two of them were blown.

And somehow, these two subs blew. All four of them were on a Planet 1250D.... each getting roughly 200 watts.

David, if you read this, please shed some light on it for me.... I had these playing in my room for awhile off of a 100 watt Cerwin Vega plate amp and never had any problems. I have only had problems in cars.... this woofer setup has been put in two different vehicles, and both times this popping sound has happened. The only thing Jmac and I could come up with is a woofer defect.

Anyone have any ideas.....?

Hope David's little sexy ass gets on here to shed some light on this.

did ya use the same planet audio amp in both vehicles? just wondering, along the same line s denim, if something went wrong inside the amp.

hmmmmmmm..very confusing grasshopper.....

must David we wait for, answers forthcoming he might have

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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The RE8s I put in my friend's car do that every now and then. Like every three weeks. They'll be playing along jsut fine and all of a sudden POP like someone thumped on the cone really hard. very strange.

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I hope there was not a voltage jump, humm this is confusing

That's initally what I thought of ... a rare voltage spike.

- Steve

well my old SPl install used to do that every once in a while

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voltage rail spikes happen more than you think----that is what it sounds like to me---electrical componets are prone to failure even under "perfect" installs----that is why companys have warrentys----it sounds to me that the voltage spike made the voice coil jump the voice coil former and was hitting the top of the former----return them with warrenty papers enclosed.

hope this helps.

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man its good haveing dace here... :slayer: :boink:

who's dace?? :finger:

it's nice having daVe here...hehahhaehahehahheaha :+1:

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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