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sub smell

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I just hooked up my brand new fi ssd 12 dual 1 ohm sub and hooked it up to a kicker zx750.1 amp and put it in a 2.5 cu ft box tuned to 33 hz. i turned the gain 1/2 way and bass boost to 9db. When i turn the head unit up the sub starts to smell like its burning glue or something. any ideas?

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Ya... don't use the bass boost. You are clipping.

What's clipping?

The audio signal your sending your subs is causing the subs to overheat\play distortion. You are smelling hot glue but it could also be caused by excessive glue on the coils. Just use a dmm to adjust the gains on your amp that way you know that everything is adjusted properly and if the sub still smell just keep playing them at a safe level and the glue should burn itself out.

I've also found out by playing with my type x's that if theres not enough port area that it caused my subs to smell also so you should recheck your port tuning aswell.

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