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Bored with icon

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Hey, my enclosure is 2.2 cubes and tuned to 32hz for the 12" icon, but that feeling of upgradeing is kicking in. Instead of selling it, I want to make some more enclosures for it to keep me occupied. I need a few plans...so what volume and tunning would you recommend. Give me some ideas...

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What are you trying to do with it?

You could tune lower perhaps, or try an Iso-baric enclosure. Either way, you need a specific goal in mind before you start blowing your money on random enclosures.

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What do you mean, bored?

What's the Icon not doing for you?

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What do you mean, bored?

What's the Icon not doing for you?

Well I think i'm addicted to car audio and it's fun building the enclosure and installing everything, but it always seems there's something better out there. You know that feeling when you want to try something new to see how it will sound? Well I want to see if i'm into spl or not because it seems i'm right in the middle with the icon. It has some great sq and gets loud, but i want to see it get loud where it hurts your ears. Maybe build an spl box and see how I like it. I was thinking on the smaller end with a lot of port area. I kow the icon is a sq woofer but I think it has potential to get real loud from what I see at 32hz. What are some options.

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It does have potential. You could try a pressure style box, meaning small in size like a 1 cube box with some external aero ports, tuned some where in the mid to upper 40's. I have no idea where your car peaks, so I am just giving a general idea.

The other approach is going with a large efficient box, in the range of 3 cubes tuned in the 40's some where.

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What sort of power are you playing with?

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Alright thanks alot..also, for some flat out sq what would you recommend for sealed and ported. I want to go from one extreme to the other and see what I like more. Spring is almost here lol.

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Again, it depends on power and your front stage.

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Again, it depends on power and your front stage.

I have about 1100rms, most likely not seeing all of it since I only have a 95 amp alt. For my frontstage I have pg rsd6.5cs getting around 75rms.

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A fairly small sealed box will fill your SQ needs, you will have no problem overwhelming your fronts with it.

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i no this is kind of off topic but have any idea of what you are doin as far as db numbers. You could try to get as loud as possible with what you have.

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I would personally go with a small ported enclosure for the "kick factor". If you wanted loud uncontrolled bass large ported is where I would go.

Still haven't gotten my free icon yet. *teasing* but before I did the spl thing, i was really loving small sealed ported enclosures tuned to 30hz.

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Well guys it's been awhile since I visited this site.....but about a week ago I totaled my car! :angry2: So there goes that project.... maybe i'll retire the icon for home theater use :D

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Oh no! Are you ok?

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Oh no! Are you ok?

yea I'm fine, my car wasn't even that bad. The insurance adjuster called around and couldn't get any parts so he claimed it as totaled. And now I heard about the sale you guys are having on the icon !! :angry2: lol

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Sale? No sale, only free shipping offered on a very heavy driver.

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Sale? No sale, only free shipping offered on a very heavy driver.

well that's a sale to me lol, I'm suprised they're still so cheap.

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Sale? No sale, only free shipping offered on a very heavy driver.

well that's a sale to me lol, I'm suprised they're still so cheap.

We have to do something to help attract people from mainstays in the segment (IDMAX etc.).

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those subs are damn heavy i cant wait to get my hooked up! they been sittin in my room for about a week!

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SPL and Perceived Loudness are two different things

I would like to have more information on that statement. Is perceived loudness something that the mind controls? like 50Hz@125dB seems louder than let's say [email protected]???

Call me stupid but I just want to learn lol

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I think he is saying that loud to the ear and loud to the mic are different.

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SPL and Perceived Loudness are two different things

I would like to have more information on that statement. Is perceived loudness something that the mind controls? like 50Hz@125dB seems louder than let's say [email protected]???

Call me stupid but I just want to learn lol

The ear is more sensitive to certain frequencies.

Sometimes people are confused and think that 125dB at 50 Hz doesn't always sound like 125dB at 50 Hz. This simply isn't true (assuming its your ears that are used each time). The point of confusion here is that people see a score taken with an SPL meter placed on the dash of one vehicle and the same score taken on the dash of another vehicle; they listen and say "Well this one sounds louder than that one" and they may be correct: your ears are not under the dash and, thus, scores taken on the dash doesn't really reflect which is in fact louder at the location where you hear the sound.

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