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box rise?

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ok so what is box rise and how will it effect me?


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It's a rise in impedance above the nominal value based on the interaction between the sub and its enclosure. Since I have no idea what you do audio wise I can't tell you if it affects you at all. 99% of the people out there don't need to concern themselves with it at all.

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ok, i was thinkin.... that maybe.. it would take a a .7 ohm load and while, playing, the box reverbs and raises the ohm level perhaps makin my amp put out a 2 ohm load not a .7 or 1ohm load

i have 2 fi bl 15's in a 6.5 vented tuned at 35 hrz.... and its a daily set up

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Daily setup? You don't care then. It does some of what you think, but there's really nothing you can do about it and it doesn't really affect anything other than costing you tiny amount of output that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference on anyway. Actually it's quite likely that at certain freqs the amp is "seeing" 8 or more ohms. Of course the box is efficient at those freqs to compensate and level the response.

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bad ass thank you very much

i started thinking about it while reading one of jacobs test results, where it caculated box rise, to that whil ein play it would be at 1 ohm. i think he set it some where around.37 ohms.

anyhow thats what started all this... thanks again

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