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Mag wiring help...

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Okay I just received my Mag and had some questions about best practices as far as setup goes.

I have a 20.1 pushing the Mag so there is no lack in power. My question is in regards to the wiring and getting the Mag to the lowest impedance possible for more power. From reading I know the Mags are Dual 2 Ohm so how can I lower this? Currently I have the Mag wired as such....please tell me if my thinking is correct (we are talking about one sub here):

Jumped a wire from positive terminal to positive terminal on the speaker to the positive terminal of the external connector.

Jumped a wire from negative terminal to negative terminal on the speaker to the negative terminal of the external connector.

Then I connect the positive side to the positive on one channel and the negative on the other channel, in an attempt to bridge my 20.1 amp.

So with this setup what impendance am I currently running at? Anyone have any recommended setup or amp settings to compliment the Mag? TIA


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god i hope you didn't connect a + and - on the amp. you cannot bridge a 20.1 monoblocks are not bridgeable because they are only one channel. There's two sets of outputs so you can hook up multiple subs easily. just run the coils on the sub in parallel (like you have them, + to + and - to -) and then the - to the - on the amp, and the + to the + on the amp. that's it.

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To be honest and if I understand you correctly that is how I have it connected.

___ ___ ___ ___

/_+_/ /_-_/ /_+_/ /_-_/


Sorry for my ignorance but this is my first big system and I am used to bridging all my amps that I've had in the past so it was only natural for me.

So I will adjust how I have the speakers connected to the amp. With the speaker wired in Parallel does it drop it down to 1 Ohm?

Also I am hooking this up in a 03 Audi and with those models if you run it off the stock HU you have to tap into the factory amp for a low level output. My question is what is the best solution so I can get the best sound possible?

All the tuts that I have read from the "Car" forums say to cut a RCA cable in half. Splice down to the +/- wires. Tap those to the low level signal wires/earth ground and then connect the other end to the RCA inputs of the amp. I don't think this is safe on the amp and feels like it is Jerry rigged to me. Sorry if anyone on the boards name is Jerry lol.

Any suggestions? TIA

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wire it in parallel if you are trying to achieve 1ohm


the amp is already internally bridged iirc so just place the speaker wire in 1 set of channels instead of you putting one lead on the other side and the other lead to the other side.

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