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I need a new alt cause im about to put 2k rms in my car. Already found one from excessive- 200A. Did the math for the amps, should be good. He includes diff. guages of wire, I knew I would need that but what guage? 2? He says that it should bolt right on, but is there anything else I need? What about fuses and their ratings?

Since this isnt in my area im just going to have my mechanic put it in but I want all the parts ready to go cause I dont think his parts are as cheap as excessive's...

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make sure he sends you a pully with the proper teeth or ridges. run a big 3 in 1/0ga wire and run 1/0ga wire from your alt to the batt. you could run a fuse in between the cable from the alt to the batt. some do it some don't. it's just a to be safe thing.

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makes sense to me cause on my other car, it would only start like half the time cause the battery would give enough charge even though it was a new batt. Took it out of the trunk, mounted it in the orig location, upgraded the engine and battery ground wires and it worked. If only I drove it more often... Thx fbi

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  layedouton20s said:
wouldnt that be kinda pointless since there is power coming from both ways?

Do you have special fuses that only let power transfer in one direction?

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