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My latest install: 2006 Nissan Maxima

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Wished I had taken pics of during the construction of the box, but I didn't have my camera on hand. But it's your plain sealed box. Internal volume of .75 cu ft net. Hertz called for an insanely small .57 cubes sealed, but I was afraid the bottom octaves won't be as pronounced. So I ended up going with .75 cu ft.

First some pics of the new sub for those who haven't seen it in my other thread. It's a Hertz Audio Hi-Energy 12.


pretty nice and simple cone with the Hertz logo on the dustcap.



bright ass orange magnet rubber boot.





It's pretty simple looking....no huge surround or massive motor structure. This thing is tiny compared to my Brahma MKI 12.




Flush mounted. Still needs carpet, and I'm debating whether to add a grill or not since I will be using the trunk more. Main objective of this redo was obtain more trunk space, and to tighten up the bass response. The RLp 15 was nice and all, but simply took too much room even when sealed.

Excuse the poor pics from my cell phone. But yeah, this was during the amp rack build. Amps are both sloped at 30 degrees.





the view you'll see when i open my trunk.


Accidently made the rear columns a bit too short. No biggie.

Some better pics inside the house. It'll be carpeted as well.





I'm thinking of tracing out the footprint of each amp, and then cutting out the MDF that's showing when you're looking at the whole assembly. So the amps 'float' without anything noticeable holding it up. But that's for later...

Some pics of it installed minus the carpet and such (which will be completed soon. I need to get some carpet.) I do like how it looks so far though. :D





Look at all that room!

Initial impressions: The sub is pretty damn accurate with all the stuff I've thrown at it. Output wise, it's no where near as loud as my RLp 15. But it did make up for output in terms of overall SQ. Spent a bit of time tweaking the crossovers and such, and got it to blend in with the front stage pretty well. I'm pretty content with the outcome and its performance. I'll give a better review once I get more eartime, and post updated pics of it carpeted and all. Comments? :)

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I agree with john. :)

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Clean looking install :)

I love the amps

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All that nice gear and you have rear speakers :(

Install looks nice!

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