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OK... So here is my dilemma. Ive got 2 - 15inch SX series RE audio subs in my room at the moment. Im in need of an amp capable of producing ATLEAST 2000 rms (true power not rated) and made the sad mistake of purchasing the power acrapstik 5500D rated at a rediculous 3200RMS but im not even able to pull 1KW off it by the sounds of it. I guess ile eat the cost of the current amp but what do you guys think of the MA audio 4000D's? My old amp was a rackmount amp from MA and felt like it did near rated pushing my two bostons and i was fairly pleased with the clean output.

So heres what it comes down too...

Should i purchase for 450 shipped a refurbed 4000D rated at 4000RMS X 1 at 2ohm (17volts)


2 - Hifonics amps


Spend a little more dough on the MASSIVE audio 3000.1 (about 600 shipped)

Or perhaps even suggest some amplifiers for me in a reasonable price range.

Thanks in advance,

Chris McDonald

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sundown 3000 or two sundown 1500's strapped,

or in feb i will have a hifonics goliath 5000 watt for a good price,

you have a 17 volt system?

Edited by bigjon

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Nah, my idle voltage is 14.9 volts. how much for the sundowns? I wanted to get the MA's cause i know it will put down 2500+RMS for sure at 2 ohm at 12 volts even and only cost me 400-450 shipped depending on which model i want. My only concern is voltage flux changing power given to the speakers causing them to blow... ive hear the SX's can handle a CLEAN 1500RMS daily wanging power but i dont truly know.

Edited by Chrismcdonald12

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well i never liked anything by MA.

but tha goliath is somthing like 3200 watts at 2ohms, and 5000 at 1 and thats based on 14 volts,

depends if you get a used sundown 3000 some guys on here sell them for like 700 with 3 month warrenty,

the sundown 1500, is a great amp, and i belive the output at 12 volts is 1500 and at 14 volts i think its like 1800 or more, look around this site for TEST RESULTS, on the sundown amp, i think ray farmer posted some great honest test info,

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I wouldn't be interested in a MA or Hifonics.

I really hope you aren't attempting this with anywhere near a stock electrical system.

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Big 3 (0 guage)

200 AMP alt

odyssey 1700 amp batt in the trunk

red top under hood

And like i said i trust MA cause ive had one amp from them that performed for me flawlessly for 2 years pounding away at a clean sounding set of boston generator 15's.

Edited by Chrismcdonald12

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RMS Power Output @ 14.4V

3600 Watts x 1 @ 2 Ohm

RMS Power @ 17.0V

4000 Watts x 1 @ 2 Ohm

am i reading this statment correctly, theres only 400 watts diff, between 14.4 volts and 17volts!

i must call BS on that statment from MA audio... if thats that case and its only 4000@17 then it cant be more then 2000 watts with a stiff 14 volts

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I more then agree with that, im just wondering how much do i really need for my SX's to wang in my little saturn... hahaha.

bad enough i had to fit a 7 cu ft after port displacement box into a small 4 door sedan.

I simply dont have the cash for a 1000 dollar amp, and yes i know nothing good is cheap but even if that MA puts out a clean 2k ide be happy as a pig in chit at that cost. This chitty power acoustik cost me 350 after shipping because im an idiot and went by the fuse rating expecting this thing would put out atleast 2k rms but wont even wang one sub before it starts clipping.

What do those Hifonics put down for ACTUAL power?

And is the massive audio amp line decent? If so i do have that in the budget.

Edited by Chrismcdonald12

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i think if you get a sundown 1500 u will be fine, i think peak on those sx's are 1000watts i think that will make a good daily and you can pick up a B stock from jake at sundown for a very very goood price, if he still has one,

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RMS on the SX's is 1000. And from what i understand its a bit of a understatement. What do you all think about MTX amps? Do they do rated?

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i mean you can buy a fair amp, for little money... and have it read the specs you wanna see,

or you can buy a very well buit amp for the same money, and watch and be amazed,

dont take my word for it man ,..... read around, see the threads, ask the people who own sundown amps and see what thay tell you,

i used to like like mtx back in the day..... now not so much,

RE used to make great speakers,,,, but i dont think theres made the same after the company sold.

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OK.... How do you all feel about the ZX1500.1 from kicker? I figure it will actually do around 16-1700 watts.... and i can snag one for 380 refurb to my door

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OKOK... i gave in. Proud owner of a factory refurb ZX2500.1D

only cost me 500 canadian. Wewt.

Thanks for saving me the trouble! I was just about to suggest you go with that instead! You sound like you want to get the most out of your subs and the 2500.1 should be able to do that for you. If it's a little too much you can always turn down the gain a little but at least you'll know that you're getting all you can out of the subs. Had you gone with the 1500.1 instead, i think you'd just have repeated your first mistake and bought another amp that can't deliver the power you want. Grats on the new amp! I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with it...

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