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Alpine 9887 vs Pioneer 980BT

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Looking at a 100.4 sundown

going active up front...

6-1/2" midbass and 1" tweet in the doors...

Deciding which of the 2 units will give me better control with going active...

And also which of the two is just "better" overall...

though i feel it's not really important mentioning but the subs is powered by a saz3000D on 2 BL 12"

I also have a 300amp iraggi alt and a yellowtop upfront and a kinetik hc24000 in the rear...

Anyone have experience with these HU's let me know please...

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At the same price? If so, grab the 9887 unless you have a strange particular processing need we don't know about. Any particular feature difference you are wondering about?

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yes i cna get the 980bt at cost + 5%

and the 9887 at cost + 20%

No strange processing needed...

Actually the only thing i like on the 980 is the built in blue tooth lol...

both have the main features i need.

EQ, 24 Bit DAC burr brown and atleast 4 volt pre-out....

Which would you go for sean

Edited by theabunai

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I have the 980BT. The bluetooth is the best feature, it makes phone calls so much easier and it works excellent. I'm a Pioneer fanboy though, I have no experience with that Alpine model.

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Brain fart, I completely didn't read the 980bt right. That deck is useless for active purposes, I thought you were looking at an older Pio that actually had crossovers which brought up the same price question as a deck that was used worth around $150 and the 9887 at the same price, the Alpine wins as a no brainer just since it is new. In your case though for your purpose you can't buy the 980bt as it will do you no good. 9887 wins then.

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Ah thank you

Just realized i can get the Eclipse cd7100 cost as well....

how about the 9887 vs the eclipse cd7100

What older pioneer would be comparable ??

Edited by theabunai

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heh, you just compared a high end Eclipse to an Alpine.

I like Alpine. A lot. But I'll take that Eclipse anyday.

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If you are comparing the 9887, 7100, you really should throw in the Pio 880prs. I'd take the Pio then, but otherwise either the Alpine or Eclipse will be fine.

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I imagine you are looking at the ipod interface as well? Try to tget to a best buy and hook an ipod up to mess with each unit if you havn't already. I forget how the Pioneer was, but I did not like how the Alpine did not display several lines of text so it made scrolling through music harder. Just some food for thought

Alpine does have a neat percentage search function to get through huge libraries fast.

Edited by dropkick13

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The alpine does display multiple lines of display, you must have been looking at a 9883 or lower model because they have the cheaper display and i think they only display 1 line at a time when scrolling through songs... My 9885 shows like 3 artists at a time i think...

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i know this is a dead thread but i was interested in what unit u ended up going with.

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