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03 Mustang, Q12, ported box

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I am looking to build a slot port box very similar to the threads that are very recent in the forum. My dimensions are slightly different and I want to flare the port walls which will complicate things.

My dimensions are:

height: 14"

width: 30"

depth: variable

tuning freq: 32 hz

box volume: 2.3 cu ft

subwoofer: FI Q12 Dual 2

amp: Soundstream PCA1500D

Like I said I would like to flare the vent sides by cutting slits in the MDF and bending it. I have made some test bends and they seem to work out pretty well. I have read that adding the flares will require an additional 1-2" of port length. I can add the additional length that is required for the flared port. I thought I would mention this because I could probably get away with a port width of 2" even though it is slightly smaller area than FI suggests. This would help shorten the port length.

I would really appreciate someone helping me out with this design. If you could give me an idea of what would need to change if I made the max width 28" instead would be nice. It would also be nice to know what would need to change to tune the box to 30 hz. Possibly the changes needed to make the box 2.0 cu ft. Sorry, I don't want to sound needy ... I really want to equate what you guys/gals design to what I am seeing in BBP6.

Thanks in advance for the help.

Edited by cheqmate

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