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decision on ported or sealed box for ssd

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right now i have 1 12" ssd fully powered in a ported box. it is 16X22X14. it sounds good and i listen to almost everything from rap to techno. I was wondering if it would be better to switch to a sealed box? i mean one advantage would be less used space. and which direction should i face the box also...

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it should not cost much to build yourself a sealed box for the 12. try and build one and experiment on how it sounds also with the position of where the sub faces. you will most likely lose some output switching from ported to sealed but gain some clarity out of it. so really if you got the tools and like 20 bucks for wood, go for it.

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Size reduction and a flatter in car response... but at the loss of a good portion of output near tuning. As mentioned above, its a relatively cheap thing to try and see if you like the sound, but be advised that if you are happy with the output now, it wont be there when you port things.



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