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2 12" Q's Sealed or 1 12" Q Ported???

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im trying to stay with an enclosure that is 3cf or less and trying to decide whats better, 2 12s sealed with 3000watts (buy a new sundown 3000 amp) or 1 12 ported with 1500 watts (keep my mtx 1501d)? if the sealed subs would be louder, how much louder? last option is 2 10s ported. looking for LSQ, basically the loudest set up i can get with the space available. appreciate the help!

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q's are fi sq woofer but still put out more then enough bass, if you looking for spl go with ported or sq go with sealed

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im considering the bl as well. i know ported will have the best spl, but i have limited room. so its either 1 12 ported or 2 12 sealed with more power. im trying to see what would be louder in the amound of space that i have. with sealed i can run 1500watts to each but with one ported i can only run at most 1500 watts unless its 2 10s ported then i can probably do 1500watts to each. final option can be a sealed 15.

Edited by TwStDeVo

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