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Box Design Needed

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I'm looking for someone to design a ported enclosure for my '02 Explorer. It's going to be for two 12" Fi Qs. If anyone is willing or knows someone, let me know and I'll get them the dimensions. I'm obviously willing to send some money to the designer as well.

Let me know if you guys have anyone in mind.


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I'm looking for someone to design a ported enclosure for my '02 Explorer. It's going to be for two 12" Fi Qs. If anyone is willing or knows someone, let me know and I'll get them the dimensions. I'm obviously willing to send some money to the designer as well.

Let me know if you guys have anyone in mind.


Are you doing something special? Just post the dimensions and someone will be able help you out pretty easy. I'm about to build my first ported box this week and have been getting an insane amount of help from people on here

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Nothing difficult.

44.5" wide

19" tall

15" deep

The 19" and 15" are both maximum dimensions.

I need it to be 5 cubes after displacement and tuned to 33Hz. It can be less, but the requirements say maximum 2.5cu. ft. a piece.

Its going to be for two 12" Fi Qs. The subs will be facing up, and the port will be facing the back.

It is all going into a 2002 Ford Explorer

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