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Trying to decide between AA Havoc and Fi Q

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So, I understand the two companies are focused on different areas of the market, but I'd like some help figuring out which sub to buy. I've got an awesome wife who wants to buy me one for Christmas. Can someone who has experience with both of these subs try and explain the difference a person might be able to hear, like is one louder than the other in their spec'd boxes? I see some differences in construction (triple vs double magnet and spiders) and t/s specs (Bl, Vas, etc.), what differences would these make.

I'm looking for an LSQ set-up that will play mostly rock with a little rap to show off with. I would really like to fit a 15" in the trunk of my '94 Mazda 626, at least in a ported box but I'm not too sure it'll squeeze in there. So as it stands I would like opinions on 12" ported, and 15" sealed. I will be using my Kicker SX1250.1 (birthsheet at 1420 watts) for power. which one would you pick and why?

Also what are the ported box specs on the 12" havoc? And if devildriver or any other Canadians have received anything from these have you had to pay duty on it, and if so how much?

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  AAfanatic said:
the havocs will have better SQ than the Q's

How so? I thought they just pushed more power and were built with more tolerance in mind.

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  RemixPinoY said:
  AAfanatic said:
the havocs will have better SQ than the Q's

How so? I thought they just pushed more power and were built with more tolerance in mind.

I think you'll be happy either way. you really can't mess this one up. How much airspace do you have in your trunk. Do you know how to figure that? Or how big of a box you can slide in and out? Try using cardboard to make up a mock size box that can slide in and out of the trunk w/o hitting anything or bending the cardboard. Once you have your mocked up enclosure the right size (Tape usually helps) multiply HxWxD and divide by 1728. This will give you your gross CF available. Tell us what that is. The sealed works really good and plays the Lowz like magic. BTW I own both subs and am happy with both. You may be able to run 2 subs if you have the airspace...although you don;thave the power to push 2 Havocs or maybe even Qs you could run 2 SSDs.. They have great SQ also and move nicely off of 600 per!

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ssd's are nice on any kinda music. i use mine for all types of music.

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The Havoc is close to the Q. The Havoc comes stander-ed (no options) except 1ohm/2ohm. Unless you have a dealer to work with for AA the Q may be easier to get your hands on. They can use the same box specs it really would come down to looks.

Edited by missinglinkaudio

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Havocs DO look good with their clean badarse-black look and they sound fantastic! My only quip I can come up with on my two 15" Havocs is that they LOVE power. Every turn of that volume knob makes you want to turn it one notch more, and the subs keep asking for more!

I've got two SAE-1000D's on the pair and they sound crisp and clear as anything else I've ever heard and don't even get warm. Plan to give them at LEAST rated power. (1250)

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I like mine too ;):P

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  NDMstang65 said:
I like mine too ;):P

Did everyone buy a Havoc before they started going through this dealer crap or what? I want to get my hands on a 15!

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damn, looks like I took too long, I was going to order as soon as I could sell my current subs and a couple amps I have sitting at home. I wish there would have been a bit of warning from ssa. If there are any dealers on here that have a set price let me know what a 12" dual 2 havoc would run and where you are located. I am from Canada, but my brother is a long haul truck driver and goes through the states regularly and could pick one up for me.

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I'm from Canada, no dealers in the country yet :( I would be very willing to offer up my car as a demo vehicle for AA just to give some places a taste :) The car regularly gets driven around Saskatchewan and Alberta.

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Working out deal with one Canadian distrib right now. Hope to have it finished this week. Ill post info when its done...



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does AA even make the avalanche anymore?

sry to bump an older thread

Edited by snb778

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No the Ava is long gone, the new lines are the Assassin, Arsenal, and Havoc. Plus they're supposed to be releasing a couple new lines the Mayhem and Chaos.


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I must be doing something very wrong! Because I also have these two drivers under consideration and when using the same web based box calculator, I get such a big difference between the Havoc and the Q for the same (or quite similar) alignment. For close to the Qtc 0,707 alignment, the Havoc has a F3 of 44,58Hz and the Q has 35,93Hz. For close to Qtc of 0,8, the Havoc has a F3 of 45,25 and the Q has 36,48. This cannot be correct, but it seems strange that the same calculator does this?

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Everyone compares these drivers, but they have a lot of differences. . .

A big obvious difference I see according to the websites is the Q has dual spiders, the Havoc has Quad spiders.

The fact is, the Havoc is not just a Q with an AA dustcap, so they are not going to model up the same. . .


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Havoc doesn't have 4 spiders..

That's a type-o on the website lol.

Follow our recommendations, you listen with your ears..not with your eyes. We know what works best with the subs :)

The Havoc does fine sealed!

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One has a triple stacked magnet and a good bit more motor strength than the other with a double stacked motor.

One has triple spiders, one has double (unless BP is added).

One's moving mass is larger than the others.

They are definitely different subs. They have the same basket, but they are very different subs...

And they do not sound the same.

When I get home (Christmas) I will do a huge review w/ vids and TL scores comparing these subs... I've got both readily available.

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this is probably a stupid question, but where can i buy aa products, i looked on their website so im guessing you have to email or call but idk

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  nick_19 said:
One has a triple stacked magnet and a good bit more motor strength than the other with a double stacked motor.

One has triple spiders, one has double (unless BP is added).

One's moving mass is larger than the others.

They are definitely different subs. They have the same basket, but they are very different subs...

And they do not sound the same.

When I get home (Christmas) I will do a huge review w/ vids and TL scores comparing these subs... I've got both readily available.

Going to include headrest response graphs?

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