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Good 5 1/4 coaxials?

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I am getting some 5 1/4's for my mothers jeep 2006 Wrangler because her roll bar speakers sound like butt. I don't really want to spead more than $50 and have come across a few that I am curious about.




The problem is that she doesn't have an aftermarket cd player and I know that the stock radio is not putting out the best sound quality or power. But the front stage in her car sounds great and looks like it has a seperate tweet and speaker. Then you at the roll bar speakers and they are the cheap paper cone speaker with the paper wannabe tweeter cone that sits in the center of the speaker. So I know that any speaker with be an improvement but I dont want to buy something that I will not be able to power relatively well and sound ok. Any how if anyone knows of a good speaker that is cheap and will sound ok on a lower power head unit let me know. Thanks

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I'll give you odds that the front speakers are quite similar, if not identical to the roll bar ones. The tweets are nothing special either. They sound decent for what they are. The problem that you will have with aftermarket speakers is that they are not nearly as efficient as the stock ones. Not a problem for rears, but don't expect a significant increase in performance 1) on stock HU power and 2) on a $50 budget.

Free fix, fade the sound to the front.

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