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Adjusting settings

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I was wondering how I can properly set and adjustable a LOC with a stock radio and aftermarket amps.


Stock H/U


Zed Minilith

Sundown 100.4

The RCA's after the H/U are going into the Mini and split (y adaptors) to the sundown.

The LOC has four individual knobs for setting the input signal.

Sorry if this is not enough.

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i allways try and addjust them to get 3 volts or more on the output side of the loc. but thats me

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Set it the same way you would set your gains. Turn the HU just under clipping, and turn the amp to a low setting, and turn the LOC gains up until you hit clipping, then back it off just a bit. Then set the gains on the amp. Thats what the manual for my LOC said, if I recall correctly.

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How do I check for the voltage? The LOC is hard wired on one end and has RCA outputs on the other.

grab your dmm, throw the positive lead into the rca out, the negative lead to the outer ring of the same out. with the dmm set to ~ac, turn up the radio till it's at it's loudest setting you'll listen too (or at clipping, if you have an oscope and have already measured that), then adjust the loc gains until you are reading 3 volts.

of course, if you have said oscope, you might want to throw that on the rca out as well, to see if your clipping there as well.

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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