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Got a PS3 a week ago and now I'm looking for some games. Anyone know how the interface is for the racing games? Better than the Wii? I like RPGs and racing games mostly. I've just about beaten Ghost Recon 2 and like it OK. Will probably get Rainbow 6: Vegas here soon.

I also have a Wii. Looking for a good game or two for it as well. I have Tiger Woods '08 and play it a lot. I've beaten Resident Evil 4 3x over. Liked that one though it's not my typical genre. I've heard that the interface for racing games is a good bit flaky so I'm shying away from racing games for it. I got Super Mario Galaxy for the wife for Christmas and I'd like to find some other games that she would play; she's not much of a game person at all though she enjoys tennis on Wii Sports.

Any ideas? Any games that you like for the above platforms with an explanation?

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The first game I bought aside from Zelda was Excite Truck and I think to this day is still my favorite. I have almost every game now because I modded mine with the Wiikey. I have nearly 65 games now. By far Mario Galaxy has been the best overall, but Excite Truck is the absolute chit. I just love it. Rent it and see what you think.

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vegas is badass on PS3....oblivion is about the only rpg game i know of of PS3...not a huge fan of it, but i'm not a huge fan of RPGs either

Dirt is a great game for ps3...and Gran Turismo 5 when it comes out...holy chit...it will be the best racing game ever....period!

Wii....Wario smooth moves is a good game if you have a bunch of people...besides that i haven't played many wii games :(

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I have the same issue, I don't know what games to get. If you have never played Guitar Hero III, I would say pick that up, probally the game I play most.. and it's tons of fun if you got a badass HT setup. I also play NCAA 08 Football all the time, much much much better than Madden, dunno if your into sport games though. The beauty of the PS3 is being able to download demos. Drakes Fortune, Assisans Creed, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank are all badass games, but not worth buying IMO. I will only buy a game I can play over n over, and all those you can beat in a week. COD4 is probally the best shooter game out IMO, and graphics will blow you away (hope you got a 1080p lcd to really enjoy it). As for RPGs well I did research and bought Elder Scrolls.. I haven't played it much, doesn't seem like my type of RPG.. I wish they had FF12 for PS3.

I plan on trying out Devil May Cry 4 soon, I think it comes out this week. But 3 definate future buys for me are Metal Gear Solid 4, GRand Theft Auto 4, and Grand Turismo 5.... go download the trailer for GT5 and be prepared to be blown away with the graphics.

Edited by The727Kid

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How has no one mentioned Uncharted for the PS3 yet? I don't even own a PS3 and I know the game is badass.

Get that one if you like things like Metal Gear Solid and FPS type stuff. Hell, just get it anyway.

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for wii...

metroid is ok, it's a first person shooter though and i wasn't expecting that. looking around can be a bit tricky but the gameplay has been entertaining so far.

trauma center is probably the best game i've played for it, story line sucks, game isn't even that fun but it's like friggin crack. i could not stop playing the game. Replay value was excellent too, but luckily we had only rented it so i had to take it back...though i did rent it twice.

i still think wiiplay and the sportspack are the coolest games for the wii though. I'm ranked above 2000 on tennis now.

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How has no one mentioned Uncharted for the PS3 yet? I don't even own a PS3 and I know the game is badass.

Get that one if you like things like Metal Gear Solid and FPS type stuff. Hell, just get it anyway.

MGS and Drake's Fortune are on two different levels, Uncharted is good, but not that good.

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i like heavenly sword, uncharted, will love playing the Final Fantasy's , i just need to go out and get another ps3 since mines broke

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for wii...

metroid is ok, it's a first person shooter though and i wasn't expecting that. looking around can be a bit tricky but the gameplay has been entertaining so far.

trauma center is probably the best game i've played for it, story line sucks, game isn't even that fun but it's like friggin crack. i could not stop playing the game. Replay value was excellent too, but luckily we had only rented it so i had to take it back...though i did rent it twice.

i still think wiiplay and the sportspack are the coolest games for the wii though. I'm ranked above 2000 on tennis now.

I couldn't get that damn music out of my head for weeks after... :madrofl::suicide-santa:

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