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10" Bl resonant freq

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Anyone know how to figure out the resonant freq of the 10" BL's? I know they are supposed to be 40.3 Hz, but I had Fi tighten the suspension to handle more power on burps. How do I figure out the correct resonant freq without spending $100 on the Dayton woofer tester program? I had them built with the SPL option and the flatwind coils if that makes any difference.

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I dont know :(

You would need equipment of one sort or another to do it. I guess a shunt resistor, a test disk and a multimeter could do it.

But really you dont need it. I would calculate things the same as based off of the orignal versions (enclosure and tuning have nothing to do with the sub, only the final response). You might have a slight peak difference, but you would need to test for that for an SPL setup anyway.

Isnt really an issue, but I do not have specs based off of the mods we made to your subs. Sorry.



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If you really want to measure it you will need some measuring gear, the real question then is what do you have?

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At PartsExpress.com they sell a tester with the computer software called the "Dayton Woofer Tester", it cost's $99 and will give you the resonant freq of any speaker, among other things. I have someone helping me out with a new enclosure for next season and he was telling me that I need to know the resonant freq of the sub so I can properly adjust the tuning freq of the enclosure. The closer the enclosure's resonant freq is to the speaker's resonant freq will make the enclosure more efficient and get more db's out of it with less power. It's all something new to me, but this guy is one of the top competitors in the country in Street A, so he knows what he's talking about.

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