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2 sundown saz 1500's or 1 sundown saz 3000d

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i have 2 fi d1 bl 18's and i was wonderin if it would be better to run 1 saz 3000d or to strap a pair of sundown 1500's?

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I think 2 1500s gives you more flexibility for the future as you have 2 amps instead of one, plus I think the strapped 1500s might put out more power, but don't take that as anything close to true as I am not near 100% sure on it.

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i have 2 fi d1 bl 18's and i was wonderin if it would be better to run 1 saz 3000d or to strap a pair of sundown 1500's?

From what I've seen here, power difference would not be noticeable between 2 strapped 1500's and a 3000 at their preferred loads. With your dual 1 coils you would have to run the two 1500's strapped at 1 ohm which would mean no warranty, or the 3000 at 1 ohm which would be more efficient and keep you in warranty. The single 3000 would be an easier cleaner install as opposed to 2 1500's as well.

Thats my take, I'm sure with much more knowledge than myself will chime in with more info though.

ps...you could run two 1500's strapped at 4ohm on your bl's too but that probably wouldn't get you what you want for power.

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well here is my take on it with 2 dual 1 ohm subs you have the option of running it at .5, .5 (each sub parralel) the run that in series will give you 1 ohm....saz 3000d good in that scenario...thus my recomendation......bein the saz 3000d....

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1 3000D is essentially 2 1500D's in one chassis. FYI.

no its not.....look at the guts idont see 2 in one and jacob stated that its its own design not 2 in one if that was the case it wouold only be 2 ohm stable.......do some research before making statements like that...

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Indeed, the SAZ-3000D is a totally different board design than the 1500D. It is almost exactly twice as powerful as the 1500D, but it does have a totally different design to achieve that :)

In this case, one 3000D @ 1 ohm would be preferred. Running the pair of 1500Ds strapped @ 1 ohm is not covered under warranty.

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1 3000D is essentially 2 1500D's in one chassis. FYI.

no its not.....look at the guts idont see 2 in one and jacob stated that its its own design not 2 in one if that was the case it wouold only be 2 ohm stable.......do some research before making statements like that...

First off, watch your mouth here. This is a good community :grouphug: and blatantly attacking someone here is frowned upon.

Second off, Essentially you're still wrong. You can take the guts from two 1500D's and combine them into one and call it a 3000D, count the internal caps and other components. It's a different board sure, but the internal workings are close to what two 1500D's have. It can be whatever ohm load it needs to be with some basic upgrades. There are tons of big amps that are just two smaller amps strapped inside that will go below 2 ohms.

You do some research before you get on my shit list. :shrug:

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1 3000D is essentially 2 1500D's in one chassis. FYI.

no its not.....look at the guts idont see 2 in one and jacob stated that its its own design not 2 in one if that was the case it wouold only be 2 ohm stable.......do some research before making statements like that...

First off, watch your mouth here. This is a good community :grouphug: and blatantly attacking someone here is frowned upon.

Second off, Essentially you're still wrong. You can take the guts from two 1500D's and combine them into one and call it a 3000D, count the internal caps and other components. It's a different board sure, but the internal workings are close to what two 1500D's have. It can be whatever ohm load it needs to be with some basic upgrades. There are tons of big amps that are just two smaller amps strapped inside that will go below 2 ohms.

You do some research before you get on my chit list. :shrug:

A CHAMP! i no care about you or your "chit list" put me on it i dont care the guy who made the amp just replied agree ing on the fact that it is not 2 amps internally strapped with is what you said it was. so you just man up and admit you are wrong, i know this is a good comunity. but im just tring to help someone out with information i have researched and found. as for you and your shoot from the hip remark and you empty threat of being put on some list i could care less about kiss my ass.

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