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audio control 3.1

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just looking to see if anyone has any hands-on with the 3.1 i jsut got one from a buddy perfect shape and i want to know if it will be worth it to use with my 2 sets of RF T162s 6.5 comps

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It really doesn't do anything beneficial.

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I'd say dropping one set of components would provide more quality than a processor ever could.

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  AAfutureSTAR said:
so not using will provide better or worse quality

what exactly would you use it for.

I agree with Jim, two sets of components is teh bad.

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so wat only one set of comps would it be better to go 3 way active or just use the one set and go passive the amp will be a 100.4

i hope the questions are no problem either guys

Edited by AAfutureSTAR

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No worries on the questions. Not quite sure I understand why you are comparing 3 way active to 2 way passive though. If you haven't ever done an active setup you really, really should start with a 2 way first.

I am still curious as to what use the 3.1 even has, to me it does nothing positive but obviously you got it from someone who thought it did. What did they use it for?

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to run their comps and subs because they only had one set of RCAs is what i was told

i have never personally done the active setup but like i said i really want to learn if its a better setup i wanna do it instead of going passive thn changing later

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Ah, that is one valid use.

Active can be better than passive but not overnight and not the first time you plug things in. Expect it to be worse at first but the more you nail your tuning skills down the better it will be. Considering it is your first crack at it I would highly, highly encourage you to stick with a 2 way. I know you said you won't want to do something and then change it later, but the beauty of active is it is super easy to swap out drivers and I pretty much guarantee if you go that route you will change things up. In fact, I'd encourage you to buy used drivers first and plan on changing them once you figure it all out.

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so a two-way active

what will i need since i have 2 sets of RF already i can play with one right now

the amp will be a 100.4 like i said what else is needed will the crossover on the amp play any part

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You can use the crossover on the amp, but without t/a, eq, and independent gain that you would get with a true crossover I wouldn't really say that you would have the benefit of being active.

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well i wanna atleast do something right so if i need other equipment let me know not gonna say money is endless but i can afford to spend a little doing the right thing versus messing my learning process up

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Personally I'd use a headunit that has the crossovers built in

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