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Us Amps AX-5600 Questions

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Hey guys just got myself a ax-5600 us amp, and when connected i am getting slight alt noise, what can i do to get rid of the noise. My setup is as follows 880prs hu, HD-62 cdt components (front)and Cl-60 coxial (rear) with a 12" alpine type r in sealed box. Used 4g for power and ground and phoenix gold zero point rca's.

Also can someone explain the crossover in the amp, when i cross @ 50hz on deck for sub and 50hz in amp i get no bass. i have to set d xover in the amp midway to get fairly enough bass. How does the 50hz to 500hz on the amp work.


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You have a crossover on your deck use that and not the one on the amp.

As for your alt noise, unplug the RCA's from the amp and if it is still there it is your amp ground. If it isn't plug them back in and unplug them from your headunit, if the noise is there it is your RCAs, if not it is your headunit ground or perhaps you blew the microfuse in the p880.

What kind of car? Also, did you pull a fresh ground for the headunit? If not, you should.

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Hey guys just got myself a ax-5600 us amp, and when connected i am getting slight alt noise, what can i do to get rid of the noise. My setup is as follows 880prs hu, HD-62 cdt components (front)and Cl-60 coxial (rear) with a 12" alpine type r in sealed box. Used 4g for power and ground and phoenix gold zero point rca's.

Also can someone explain the crossover in the amp, when i cross @ 50hz on deck for sub and 50hz in amp i get no bass. i have to set d xover in the amp midway to get fairly enough bass. How does the 50hz to 500hz on the amp work.


x2 on the xover on the amp. use the HU

the 880prs is probably the cause of the alt noise. try grounding the RCA's on the HU to the chassis of the hu. (i think johnecon had a picture of that somewhere). 880's are notorious for noise problems.

you wont be unhappy with hat amp. was running one till i switched car ownerships, and it was sweet.

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Thanks for the reply guys.

Will use the HU xover, kinda figure **** out yesterday while doin a lil tuning.

Well M5 its a cs3 lancer (2004 model). And what do u mean by a fresh ground for the HU, just used the normal ground from the deck. Will also fiddle around with the options u gave me to see if it solves the problem.

Flakko, i am leaving the grounding of the rca to HU as my last option. If doing this do i need to ground all three rca output or just one.

By the way on a manual for the AX amps which i found on the net, states, The input of a us amp must be grounded for proper operation. Does this means that i must ground my rca to hu, rite.

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Good luck, I like that amp, would love to have one for my show car.

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Thanks for the reply guys.

Will use the HU xover, kinda figure dat out yesterday while doin a lil tuning.

Well M5 its a cs3 lancer (2004 model). And what do u mean by a fresh ground for the HU, just used the normal ground from the deck. Will also fiddle around with the options u gave me to see if it solves the problem.

Flakko, i am leaving the grounding of the rca to HU as my last option. If doing this do i need to ground all three rca output or just one.

By the way on a manual for the AX amps which i found on the net, states, The input of a us amp must be grounded for proper operation. Does this means that i must ground my rca to hu, rite.

yea you need to ground all 3 rca outputs.

I believe if you ground your HU, your noise will go away, could be wrong tho. but try what ///M5 said first before you take any action...

As for your alt noise, unplug the RCA's from the amp and if it is still there it is your amp ground. If it isn't plug them back in and unplug them from your headunit, if the noise is there it is your RCAs, if not it is your headunit ground or perhaps you blew the microfuse in the p880.

I'm running mine off a Kenwood deck, everything hooked up normally (no special grounding precautions) and theres no noise.

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Well M5 its a cs3 lancer (2004 model). And what do u mean by a fresh ground for the HU, just used the normal ground from the deck. Will also fiddle around with the options u gave me to see if it solves the problem.

Fresh ground aka not the normal one for the deck. It is ALWAYS a good idea to use your own ground the one inside pretty much nearly ever non-BMW I have ever worked on has been noisy. Do beware that you should de-power that deck before doing any switching around otherwise you could blow the microfuse on the inside of it and then it will need service. Shut everything off and pull a fresh ground for the headunit (if the above troubleshooting leads you to believe it is the h/u) and see if it goes away.

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ok guys i got some time this wknd and tried to solve my noise problem but i came off with no luck. this is what i tried.

Take off rca's and test amp alone- no noise

plug back rca's on amp then removed rca's from hu- no noise

add new ground to hu with rca's connected like normal - noise

add ground to rca's - noise

used external signal to amp- no noise

used a next hu (clarion) - noise

is there anything else i could try...

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Can we get pics of how the hu was grounded exactly. I'm running the 880prs and have my own ground, 8 gauge, still have noise. I've also switched rca's, but continue to have issues.

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Hello Everyone.

Long time reader. First time poster.

I had a similar problem with my AX5600 - 880prs install. However, I never had noise. I had a sporadic bass channel level problem. Some days it sounded great. Some days barely audible; muffled with all gains maxed. Fronts and "Rear" channels (1-4) sounded great and completely unaffected however they were being fed a signal from my Audiocontrol 2XS crossover.

Called US-AMPS and a very helpful gentleman named Greg instructed me to solder a wire from the barrels (grounds) of my sub channel RCAS to the screw on the back of the 880prs head unit. Something to do with Pioneers "floating point" receiver technology (don't ask me - Gregs the genius - not me).

Anyhow, 100% fixed my problem and my neighbors have been hating me ever since. :rockwoot:

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flakko tryed switching rca's also.

MarkyMark the problem i am gettin is not related to the bass, cus i have it off and still noise. its not lould but i just want to get it off.

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