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Fear Of Theive

Btl 18 Fully Loaded Power....

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Ok i'm thinking of buying a 18inch or a 15 Btl fully loaded. here's the question

It may be going into a Golf Gti(hatchback) if i buy one.

Dont know any thing about the box yet.


I'm trying to figure out what the rms\peak is for daily

And the Spl rms\peak

My Elertical isn't a problem.

ALSO !!!! I'd like to see what it is for the bl's

Edited by Fear Of Theive

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My Elertical isn't a problem.

Doesn't sound like you have one now anyway :)

Basically, the answer to your question is that they rate them at 2kW, they'll handle enough power that by the time you are in danger of cooking it thermally, you better damn well know enough about what you're doing that you won't need to ask this question :)

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No price range,

jimj and alot of subs can go over thier thermal power handling easy and with no danger.

No, because if you go over the thermal power limit you have burned the coil up...

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its a little bit different when your in the 2000+ watt range on 1 sub, believe it or not thats alot of power for 1 sub daily no matter what you run

it not like a 600watt sub taking 800watts and smiling

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