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SSDs Sealed

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Whats with people always bashin on sealed boxes, when subs like SSDs and RE SEs do so well in them for daily pounders? Its seems people are so narrow minded and think the ONLY thing that is important about the box that if its ported or not.

These people need to hear some loud sealed groundpounders!

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I think there is this stigma that many people think sealed boxes cannot have output. Personally I prefer sealed with the majority of the subs I have. Heck, I think it was dbSteve 2 years ago did that JBL van and the wall was sealed and he was well into the 160's IIRC.

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Whats with people always bashin on sealed boxes,

Because they're idiots.

I prefer sealed, but I'm not into "daily pounding" either.

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not sure, my old sealed infinity perfects slammed with 800 watts on them. they get plenty loud, i just dont' think sealed boxes hit that great usually under 40 hz.

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not sure, my old sealed infinity perfects slammed with 800 watts on them. they get plenty loud, i just dont' think sealed boxes hit that great usually under 40 hz.

Well, if you're comparing a ported enclosure with a huge peak under 40Hz, of course the sealed isn't going to sound up to par :)

If you're looking for truly low bass, though, it's either sealed, a TL, or tuning a bass reflex extremely low...

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I like sealed as well. All of my personal systems are now sealed. Bottom line is you gain output with a ported enclosure and for those that run a pair of 12s and are trying to rule the SPL world, ported is the only way to go... but as you know, especially in FL, daily pounders are sealed and they are dominating things.

You need to give me a call as it is so we can talk a little more about the current setup too.



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galacticmonkey, i want to hear your system very badly, saw a vid of it on youtube, absolutely disgusting!! puts your old treo system to shame, at least pretty sure that was yours i saw on ROE. nice work!!

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Yeah, that video blew up! Its insane its on the first 9 pages of Google and everyone is askin me where to get those subs! Ha! I love it!

Around here, all you hear is loud sealed people! chit, Johns van with the 16 SSDs is RETARDED loud. With those new amps I cant even belive it. He always has a ton of the Fi cards with the sub models that he hands out during demos and sometimes you see one or two blowing around the cab. :)

I dont got your number, Scott. PM it to me and give me a time and a day to call and Ill call ya. I cant wait to start this setup. I really wanna run the SSDs, even if it means that I gotta save up a little bit longer. Im alot better that I was a week ago, and way better than I was 2 weeks ago from the back surgery, and Im about to go back to work. I dont care when it gets done as long as Im bumpin at SBN. I really wanna do something with your subs, whether its a demo car with the new AA line to get word out on those since noone has really dont anything with the Arsenals yet, or whether its the SSDs. 24 SSD 15s and 12 SAZ-1500Ds all sealed up would be quite the daily driver/demo car. If I get the SSDs Im going to need a huge ass Fi vinyl on my car... Im talkin like 5' x 2'. Black Express van lowered on some black rims with a huge Fi symbol on it would be sick.

Dude, you have no idea how I am excited to get this goin!

Edited by galacticmonkey

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I love sealed...plan on going back to a sealed box myself.

This forum seems to favor output and sealed boxes. I see a lot of sealed box setups on DIY Mobile Audio.

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This forum seems to favor output

Not all of us :P

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There is a funny correlation between people who have good sounding systems and people who like sealed boxes. Sad part is it is only funny to those who are the whole cause of this thread.

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