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1998 Nissan Altima

Listening preferences:

R&B, Chopped n Screwed, Hip Hop, Rap, Rock n roll, Jazz and sometimes classical on occasions...

Chopped and Screwed, and Rap is what I listen to on a regular basis..

all the other music is a bit in between sort of here and there type of thing..

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tweets in kicks!

For many reasons.

Personally, I would venture further out of the box & try out the new Peerless 2" full range driver in the kicks, no tweeter.

Probably will in the Neon whenever it has an engine again.

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I've liked the tweets I've heard in pillars, as well :)

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Well, I was thinking along the lines, if using the MLi's that anything over 1.5-2k starts to get pretty lackluster. Great for midbass though! Since that is the case, you will want to get a tweeter or other driver capable of going from ~1-1.5k & up.

I prefer the kickpanel location for a couple reasons, first is the path length difference, second is the refelections that are usually apparent when mounting tweeters in the a pillars due to the windshield & hard plastic dashes & third is the relative location to the midbass.

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Ok, I would like to mount a 4 inch driver down there only thing tho I don't have any kick panels and will have to build some custom ones which I do not now how AT THIS TIME nor do I have the funds available to construct any.

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You will need to custom mount them in the A-pillars as well (either the small format or large) considering this I find a kick much easier to build than a pillar.

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You need to take a major step back....and perhaps start a new thread. No one can give you any advice without information like:

type of car

sonic preferences

music choice




your install capabilities

and lots of other information, otherwise it is just a subjective response not founded in helping you actually put somethign together

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type of car: 1998 Nissan Altima

sonic preferences: Im a SLQ guy as much as that word is hated around here

music choice: R&B, Chopped n Screwed, Rock n Roll, Rap, Hip Hop and the occasional classic and jazz

headunit: Pioneer Deh-860mp

amplifier: Headunit until I get me a saz 100.4

deadening: Second Skin

your install capabilities: I can pretty much do anything I put time and effort into. Do I know how to make kick panels? No. Can I make kick panels? With practice im sure I can make a good pair, but atm I don't have the available funds.

What are my goals: I am looking for a front stage that can keep up with my substage as I have a 15" MD/FI Hyrbid Napalm that I will be utilizing on a saz1500d. I want nice mids that balance out the loudness my substage has so its pretty balanced maybe a tad bit more substage than front though. Nice loud and clean front stage is what im looking for without the horrible distortion I normally hear from tweets.

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Are you sure you are opposed to metal tweets? My assumption from your comments is that you might like them...

Are you opposed to underlapping a bit? Considering your design goals, I personally would lean that way. Something with some serious midbass and then riding a tweeter for the top. The difficulty of course is getting a tweeter that can play really low and still be small format (well at least and cost effective) isn't so easy. The Seas Metal Neo is cheap, doesn't give you that "horrible distortion" sound you are describing and will play fairly low (the less power the lower of course). Considering you only have an amplifier crossover, I'd choose the paper cone Mli over the Poly. I think if you cross the Neo at 2500hz and the Mli from around 1200hz. You at worst lose a half an octave doing that but gain a bunch of power handling, your other option is to spend a bit more dough on the tweeters.

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the tweets posted a bit earlier had an fs of about 550hz and on madisound recommended 1500hz-25khz range...

imma check the seas metal neo..

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