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Subwoofer enclosure question

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I think this will be my last try to get some information. So you folks are my last hope to help or point me in a different direction.

Here is my question.

If I want to build a box of X cubic feet and there is not enough space where I want to build, can I build another box and have the two boxes attached by pipe or tube or sealed passage way etc.. Example: I would like to build a box in the right rear most corner of my trunk but there is only 1.5 cubic feet of space available if I build the box, and my sub needs 3 cubic feet. But if I built a mirror replica of the enclosure and installed it on the left rear most corner of my trunk and connected them by... I don't know, let's say 3" X 7" ID 1/4" wall steel tubing or 8"PVC, just something while keeping everything without leaks,and accounting for the additional airspace of the connective passageway, would this allow me the air space for my woofer?

I remember seeing a sub box in an S10 regular cab. The box was one solid piece but had two chambers connected by a thinner section. It held 1 10 inch sub behind the driver and was ported behing the passenger. Amp was mounted in the middle which was why it was thinner. If I remember right (this is years ago) he said internally there was 2 inches of spaceseperating the rear wall of the box from the front wall of this portion of the box. Sounded Ok. Or rather nothing stands out in memory that it was horrible. We are talking about the days of the punch 150 etc. So i have slept a time or two.

I would really like to build the two rear corner enclosures and connect them by a passageway at the rearmost of the trunk. Instead of a normal boring box. I just don't want to waste time and money (mostly time) and find out that using a passive radiator and this configuration is a bust.

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I'd be worried what that would do in an SPL situation, but as long as you're not concerned about getting every tenth of a dB out of the box I don't see what's wrong with it...you could try other tricks like stuffing it with polyfill or using an aperiodic vent in order to squeeze out enough in one enclosure...

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It would be okay as long as the "tube" was large enough to not create a flow issue.

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