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WInisd Fi driver files

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does anybody have any Winisd driver files for any of the Fi subs? If so I would like to get my hands on em. Mine dont seem to be accurate and I would like to see how you guys did yours.

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Don't use winisd :).

Stick to our enclosure recommendations in the tech section and your good to go.

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^ where is the tech sect.? cuz i tried using winISD and i used the parameters that fi has on there site, but the program re-calculates them and they are way off.

Edited by badasschevillac

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Where you made this post :)

They're at the top of the page...above the rest of the threads.

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Yeah WinISD and BB6 are nice for ballpark estimates of group delay and cone excursion and whatnot but unfortunately neither can calculate proper enclosure size or Qtc to save their lives...

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but that doesnt really tell me sizing of the port matched with the sizing of the box.

No driver parameters are required for those calculations.

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^how do u go about doing that then? i know how to calculate air space (or alteast the12volts calculators do) but i dont know how u mach a port size with that air space, i thought that only programs could do that. any help would be appreciated. thanks

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I do it by hand. The equations are everywhere and BBP and WinISD will do them without the parameters you request. Just don't select a driver and instead model the box.

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Pick out the amount of airspace that you can fit in your car and you can work with.

Say you pick 3 cubic feet for example.

You then should have anywhere from 36-48 square inches of port area. Then use a port calculator to tell you how long to make it to tune it to your desired frequency.

So long as you stick within our recommendations you are in good shape for daily driving!

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