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Speaker Selection help... I'm a n00b.

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Everyone on here knows that I will praise the W18nx's, pretty much my favorite 7" driver by far. Matching a tweet with them is easy, but knowing the mounting locations and processing capabilities would help. As for preferences, it is rather subjective as to what you expect out of a system. Things like music preferences, response preferences and so on would help narrow things down.

I'm thinking with the Scan i'd probably be able to mount it on the A pillar or the dash firing against the windshield.

As far as music, i listen to everything. Jazz, Soul, Hip-Hop, Rock, Folk, Electronic, etc.

I prefer a laid back sound as far as the highs go.

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I like that you listed Jazz first. Curious as to what instruments/artists you dig. Either way if you are looking at the Nextel/D2904 I don't really think you can beat that combo especially if you are limited to a 7 and a neo sized tweet.

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I like that you listed Jazz first. Curious as to what instruments/artists you dig. Either way if you are looking at the Nextel/D2904 I don't really think you can beat that combo especially if you are limited to a 7 and a neo sized tweet.

craig chaquico comes to mind. i really dont know a whole lot about the genera, but my dads always listening to it, and theres not a whole lot that pleases my ears more. i've just never gotten into the habbit of listening to it while i drive so i haven't paid too much attention. i hope to fix that with this new system though. i'm open to any suggestions.

and i'm glad to hear i'm headed down the right track :) thank you for your help.

do you have any suggestions as far as mounting locations? and the pro's and con's of each?

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What car? Pics of the potential moutning locations would help...

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What car? Pics of the potential moutning locations would help...

99 Tahoe, and i'll be taking pictures later today if the girlfriend ever charges the batteries on her camera.

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