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Car is a 2000 Altima with 2 HD315's forward firing. Picked up 2 more 1500D's for a song, so I threw them in so both pairs are strapped at 3ohms. Box is 8 cubes tuned to 35Hz as it sounds best for the music I listen to, meaning anything but new rap. It's just a daily driver that sounds very nice, but can get pretty loud also.

TL at the headrest I did a 147.1 @ 31Hz which I was told is decent for a trunk car. I was pretty happy as it's far from an SPL car as I run a decent active front stage and dial the subs back 99% of the time. Couple of SQ guys at the get together took a listen and were quite impressed with how it sounded with the subs off and then dialed up to just blend nicely. I did give them a taste of some LSQ after that just for fun by cranking up the subs and turning on the rear fill. Both commented on how the rear fill actually made the front stage louder which was my goal. Obviously it's not a comp SQ car, but it's doing all that I wanted.

I did 5 10+ second burps in a row at different freqs and right after I popped the trunk and the amps weren't even warm to the touch. Subs got a fuzz stinky is all.

Gotta love them Sundowns!!!! :rockwoot:

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Thanks guys. It was even more fun to dial them back and play some SQ tracks and let the front stage shine. I beat out 3 15" L7's in an SUV and an MT18 in an SUV, but not by much.

How would each pair of 1500D's do strapped at .75, so .375 per amp, for a burp???

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Thanks guys. It was even more fun to dial them back and play some SQ tracks and let the front stage shine. I beat out 3 15" L7's in an SUV and an MT18 in an SUV, but not by much.

How would each pair of 1500D's do strapped at .75, so .375 per amp, for a burp???

They will likely do it... you will have to roll the volume, not a straight burp.

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Thanks guys. It was even more fun to dial them back and play some SQ tracks and let the front stage shine. I beat out 3 15" L7's in an SUV and an MT18 in an SUV, but not by much.

How would each pair of 1500D's do strapped at .75, so .375 per amp, for a burp???

Very well i would say i burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrped mine @ 0.4ohm and i have a pair strapped :)

mine never got warm either

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They will likely do it... you will have to roll the volume, not a straight burp.

That's actually how I did it before and thought that it was considered a burp. Will the amps just go into protect if voltage drops too low, or could I seriously fry them? Running an SVR up front, 2 Deka G31's in the rear, 2 runs of 1/0 and 200a EA alt.

What kind of power could I potentially get out of each pair strapped at .75?

I'll need to contact DJ and see what he thinks the HD's can take for "burps" as I don't want to hurt em.

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They will likely do it... you will have to roll the volume, not a straight burp.

That's actually how I did it before and thought that it was considered a burp. Will the amps just go into protect if voltage drops too low, or could I seriously fry them? Running an SVR up front, 2 Deka G31's in the rear, 2 runs of 1/0 and 200a EA alt.

What kind of power could I potentially get out of each pair strapped at .75?

I'll need to contact DJ and see what he thinks the HD's can take for "burps" as I don't want to hurt em.

Read over what everyone else has measured, likely you'll find something close to your load -- calculate your actual load @ burp frequency to get a closer idea.

If the voltage gets insanely low they will enter protection... voltage "on the verge" over time can hurt the amps, though. For short burps it is not as much of an issues as running them at ~10 volts for hours.

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