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Front Stage Help

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Ok I am majorly confused about about how to do a good front stage. Just to give you an idea I am planning on getting a 18" BTL with the SD3000D in a 8 cubic foot box. I have boon looking at all kinds of speaker and I want to get a set of 6.5" components with 1" tweeters. I will probably go passive for now because it is easier and im not that SQ oriented. I mainly want something that will keep up with the sub. So what is all this 2-3-4 way stuff it has me so confused. What is better and why? Also I have 6x9's in the rear deck but I have heard rear fill sounds like chit with subs. So would it be good to get like a set of 8" or 10" midbass drivers to mount back there?

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Depends all on your budget and goals, in this case the goals are associated by what you mean by "keep up".

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One of these days someone is going to have to explain to me why the fronts in this case have to "keep up" with the subs. Anything that can remotely make sound, and lots of them, will work in this situation.

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Thats what I mean keep up as in can hear the words when I want to thump lol. I want to have some good sounding speakers too just because I am a music lover and I want the option to turn down the bass and listen to different music. So idk my budget for speakers would be maybe around $500? Idk im not firm on a budget, if this is enough im happy but if I have to spend a little more I can make room. I would like to get the 100.4 amp that Sundown makes for the front stage. Is this gonna be too much?

Edited by Wall_Breaker

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Hearing the words isn't difficult and good sounding continues to be subjective. The sub you are using is not meant to blend at all with a front stage so trying to make it do so isn't logical IMO. I think your real goals and what you are relaying to us don't coincide at all at the moment.

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Well idk, I am trying to think of the best way to describe it. I guess I want to hear the words when it is turned up but I want it to sound good with some decent midbass if I want to turn it down to rest the eardrums. Im sorry if im not being that clear but im trying to say it in the best way possible.

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meh, not so impressed with the xxx at all

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Well ok what do you look for in a midrange speaker and what brands have these qualities. Maybe I can tell you how I differ in what I want from what you want better if I understand what you like. I also know from your posts that you are very SQ oriented, so if I am not as much SQ oriented then would the XXX's satisfy me?

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For my .02 if you are not that worried about perfect SQ, then a good brand of 6.5 comps like you said should work fine. Just pick a couple and run them by the guys here. Power handling would be a big issue to you and keep the power going to them clean. A little EQ for them should get you what you want if they don't sound just right. If you really want them to get loud then you might have to go further, run more drivers to better handle the power but the SQ can suffer with multiple drivers. That is another reason I like to run rear fill: you can turn them down to listen to music but it can sound fuller in the car to have them on playing stuff louder (set them up with a fader)...and you don't have to push the one set so hard. Plus if you play it in the yard or whatever, multiple drivers sound a lot better outside the car. Unless it is in your HU a G190 alpine or audiocontrol 3.1/4.1/etc works nice for that stuff. Fader, a little EQ, and sub level are all at hand and simple to use. You might run up on the issue I have though, that is lack of midbass to even get close to what the subs are doing. How your mids are mounted has a lot to do with it and you might have to play with the setup there....yet another reason I run rear fill, for a little more midbass. Others here might have better answers, but this is what I have done for a more flexible system I can tune at least into the ballpark while I figure out the details.

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