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have a jl 6 channel amp And cdt audio 6.5 components. the right front speaker sounds fine. the left front is very quiet and when the input level is turned up is stays quiet and gets distorted. i have changed all the wires. Interchanged the cross overs. I have tried every channel on my amp. i have even tried changing speakers and the same results. I don't think there is any thing else that could be the problem. Every thing else works fine. If you hook up the speaker directly to the amp it is fine. But with the crossover it does not. When you first hook up the speaker it gives a little loud burst of noise and then gets quiet again. I don't understand it. Can anyone give me any other things to look at. i have tried changing every cable.... I am so pissed. There is no reason for it not to work... i have had these speaker for years without problems

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If you have a six channel amp, why are you using passive crossovers?

You have more than enough channels to go active...I'd take those passives out and not look back.

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Could it be something to do with the mounting of driver, like crushed/shorting wire or warping the frame of driver/etc when its tightened down? Or do you think its the amp, is ohm load ok?

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Said he interchanged the crossovers? You just have to eliminate things one by one, it can be a pita. If you come up empty them odds are something is making it happen not under your test condition...that is what made me think mounting though it might be something else. In fact one of my rear speakers died on me, I can barely hear a little treble out of it so I turned the rear fill off until I can get to it.

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