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Steg Australia

NEW Fully LOade Bls for daily use

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Well first of all let me say hello and its nice to be here second yes I am a distributor for steg but no I wont hawk my product unless asked for .

Now to the issue at hand I am currently trying to get 2x12" fully loaded daily use bls with a power up (if possible) but iI know theat some of the guys are away competein unfortunatly my fabricator is coming in 2 weeks to finish of the car and buld the enclosure and I dont have my subs i have had a quote for the subs and the shipping but i can t seem to order them or do I just order them thru the website you see I live in australia and the postage is like 135 bucks each sub which is not that bad but will that be put on the bill if I order thru the net or do i have to wait and order thru the email any help from any one will be appreciated as I would like to get my new toys and start pissing of the neighbors (so called tuning really just playing bloody load cause I can) so I look forward to hearing thoughts

Renay fing05.gif

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