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18" Sub Box Design (For Trunks)

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Hello, I'm lookin at getting an 18" BL, but my major problem is that my trunk is too short to fit an 18" sub in facing the rear of the car. So I came up with a slightly angled design that would shorten it by a couple of inches. My question, however, is if the basket of the sub will hit the bottom of the box at any part, since the sub is sitting at an angle. I drew up a diagram in Paint of the exact lengths and angles. Any input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Edited by htown860

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I think you'll have a problem. I would leave atleast 10" of depth for the sub, and that doesn't seem to be enough. I could be wrong because its hard to tell looking at the drawing, but why not shift the sub more towards the top- with a less severe angle? Where's the port in all this too? Top/side/etc?

Edited by tejcurrent

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no sealed enclosures for BL not good for it.

It's not going to be sealed.

I think this my new idea would work better. I've measured and it will fit. Where/how big/etc. do you think the ports should be and what should i have it tuned at?


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