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ok im going to try to make this short and simple because ive been thru hell looking for a new HU that can beat my RAVDVD1 (its nice but lacking a lil and very slow) im lookign for a few features i need and a few i want and other then that i dont care what else it has... so far ive found some close canidates but nothing for sure yet (top is JVC and i dont want a jvc to be hoenst)

Features i need:

5.1 support with 6 rca outs

dvd video support

single din sized

Features i want:

DVD audio support

Ability to handle high SPL

USB input

DIVX (very very important but all in all i could do without if everythign else was right)

4v+ preouts

with 2 360.2 processors and 12 channels of amplication i have tons of tuning abilities so all the rest of the deck abilitys is just icing on the cake.... So if anyone knows of of something i might be able to use or if i could get something custom done or my ravdvd1 remannfactured to include some of those want features and to go faster let me know.

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ok im going to try to make this short and simple because ive been thru hell looking for a new HU that can beat my RAVDVD1 (its nice but lacking a lil and very slow) im lookign for a few features i need and a few i want and other then that i dont care what else it has... so far ive found some close canidates but nothing for sure yet (top is JVC and i dont want a jvc to be hoenst)

Features i need:

5.1 support with 6 rca outs

dvd video support

single din sized

Features i want:

DVD audio support

Ability to handle high SPL

USB input

DIVX (very very important but all in all i could do without if everythign else was right)

4v+ preouts

with 2 360.2 processors and 12 channels of amplication i have tons of tuning abilities so all the rest of the deck abilitys is just icing on the cake.... So if anyone knows of of something i might be able to use or if i could get something custom done or my ravdvd1 remannfactured to include some of those want features and to go faster let me know.

Do you need a screan in the single din or do you plan to mount a screan elsewhere?

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Here is a quick start. You can go from there and build off of the design. It looks to be decent enough.

I dont' knwo if you have a seperate DVD player. but this system seams pretty snazy to me.

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