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i thought we had a thread up already, but alas, i can't find it.

so for you folks who enjoy firearms, here's a couple of quick shots...


glock 21 sf at the bottom, kel-tec p3at is the little one and the nickel revolver is the boy's, s&w model 27 with 8 3/8" launch tube.

teh sf in the glock model number stands for slim fram, new for 07. it's roughly the same size as the standard grip frames, ala 9mm, so now the .45acp fits far more hands.

teh p3at is my pocket pistol. .380, it's great for it's intended purpose, but hates multipule clips going through it at a time. a quick detail job should fix that, i just have to buy a dremel.


teh entire handgun collection, to this point. kimber custom II, s&w sw40ve sigma, teh above metnioned three and my s&w model 17 .22lr revolver.

enjoy, i do!!!

wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :slayer:

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very nice, i still need to get some pics up of all the guns at the house, just too lazy to clean them so they're picture worthy

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