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Ok, so the old man just got connected to xbox live today :drink40: . Played a couple of games, (burnout, forza, and guitar hero). How do I get world rankings. My ranking is just a - on the screen. Also, how and the hell can I play Guitar Hero online. I know these may sound like dumb questions, but you have to remember that it wasn't till college that computers got integrated into the classroom. HELP!! I'm trying to catch up with the youth. Thanks.

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Ok, so the old man just got connected to xbox live today :drink40: . Played a couple of games, (burnout, forza, and guitar hero). How do I get world rankings. My ranking is just a - on the screen. Also, how and the hell can I play Guitar Hero online. I know these may sound like dumb questions, but you have to remember that it wasn't till college that computers got integrated into the classroom. HELP!! I'm trying to catch up with the youth. Thanks.

well I'm a former 360 owner (till my house was robbed :( ) assuming today was your FIRST day online you aren't going to get ranked anytime soon. You have to take into account that the current ranked players have been playing since day one of the 360 online world so if you want to get ranked in whatever game it may be... you have to be good and you have to play many many many hours online. AS for Guitar Hero I've never played it so I can't tell you for sure but perhaps it's not online compatible. Not EVERY game is available online. If you can play online there should be a option in the main menu to connect online and play check the back of the game box and look for the "online play" box as an option. and while I'm talking xbox 360 may I suggest you try Rainbow 6 Vegas it's an EXCELLENT first person shooter game available online! Have fun!

Edited by Sl4ck3r

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Thanks. I've been playing Burnout Revenge and have finished the game and recieved quite a few achievements and the same for Guitar Hero. These achievements weren't with other online players but, but me playing with myself (not what you may think). I don't know if this helps. Thanks again.

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