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bld 25

12 rlp port area question

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hey, i am going to build one more box for my 12 rl-p. I currently have it in a box that i believe is around 1.6 in low 30's, but it seems like it has a little port noise. I tried around 2 cubes at 30hz, and it seemed to lose some output, but i only had 1 4" port.

Anyway, i am trying to figure out what to do now, but my main question is:

How wide does my port need to be? Is a 2" slot port that is 14" tall good enough? it is way more than the required 20 sq in of port area.

Also, if i do tube port, is one 4" areo enough? It is only like 14 sq in so i figure it probably isn't. What would one recommend for a tube port? 3 3"? 1 6" would be awesome but insanely large, and i might as well get a 15 with a box that is that big.

And also, as i understand it, 1.5 net at 34 will be linear, and slightly louder than 1.85-2.0 at 28hz, but not quite as low.



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Hey Brian - one 4" round port provides about 12.5 square inches of cross-sectional area, and is definitely not enough for a ported RL-p12. Your proposed slot port is a much better idea, and it would serve you well to round off any sharp edges inside the port in order to avoid any whistling that may occur as the air rushes over those edges.

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