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Mark LaFountain


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To promote SSA\'s new video site, SSA will be giving away one (1) SSA ICON. Winner of the promtion gets to choose the size and coil configuration!



1.) Contestant must have 10(ten) uploaded video's and must pertain to car audio in some way

2.) Contestant must have embed'ed those ten video's in forum posts through-out the internet.* Minimum of 3(three) different forums.

3.) Contestant must post up his/her links in this posting. Please make one post with your links, come back and edit that post to add your links too if done at seperate times.

4.) Contest will end on OCTOBER 20th!

5.) Contestant must have fun :)

6.) Contestant with the most videos embeded across the net wins! Good luck to all!!!!

* doesn't count if ten video's are embeded all on the same site

http://www.teamssaudio.com (video site)


1.) SSA ICON, size and coil configuration of winners choice.

2.) Pictures of their install featured on the ICON homepage under the ride section (winner must take their own pictures)

3.) Featured video on the www.teamssaudio.com home page. (winner must take thier own video)


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an example of an embeded video is below<p>

<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"


width="450" height="367"


<param name="movie" value="http://www.teamssaudio.com/video/flvplayer.swf" />

<param name="quality" value="high" />

<param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF" />

<param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />

<param name="swLiveConnect" value="true" />

<param name="FlashVars" value="file=http://www.teamssaudio.com/video/uploads/sDe2MLE3WpytqOMoe1PZ.flv&width=450&height=367&displaywidth=450&displayheight=347&overstretch=true&autostart=true&showfsbutton=false&logo=http://www.teamssaudio.com/video/image_s/playerlogo.png&link=http://www.teamssaudio.com/video&linktarget=_blank&backcolor=0xFFFFFF" />

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash"


width="450" height="367"






some sites don't except HTML embeding, if you leave a link, make sure you make the text size bigger

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i want in! oo another ssa icon like a dream. like being surounded by hundreds of girls in one room. but the ssa is more likely to become reality!!!

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i want in! oo another ssa icon like a dream. like being surounded by hundreds of girls in one room. but the ssa is more likely to become reality!!!

no thats a fanatisy!

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where do i post the videos? on this site or the other one? or both?

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The DP videos will be hosted there and only there :)


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hmm well heres 6 of my vids here(4 embeded)


i have 3 vids here( scroll down and look in the SE area u will see my name)


i think i have more laying around not sure...too lazy to look....lol


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hmm well heres 6 of my vids here(4 embeded)


i have 3 vids here( scroll down and look in the SE area u will see my name)


i think i have more laying around not sure...too lazy to look....lol


These won't count. They have to be embeded from our video site! www.TeamSSAudio.com

Upload your vids on our site, then embed them on other forums to qualify. Good luck to all, only 9 days left!

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hmm well heres 6 of my vids here(4 embeded)


i have 3 vids here( scroll down and look in the SE area u will see my name)


i think i have more laying around not sure...too lazy to look....lol


These won't count. They have to be embeded from our video site! www.TeamSSAudio.com

Upload your vids on our site, then embed them on other forums to qualify. Good luck to all, only 9 days left!

oo ok ...kool well i will need a 80inches section...lol i have quite a bit of vids...and i found a vid i posted on this very site :drink40:

2morrow it will be on the site


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just fill out a new user account, and all your vids will be attached to your user name, solved. Feel free to upload as many vids as you can, the more the better! Enjoy! :woot:

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is it just me or is the site horridly slow. like it takes forever for my cpu to play a vid let alone upload one.

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I should get a free one as the first soldier to buy iCON's AND having the longest wait from order date to 'getting to play with them' date.,




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